当然,很多人还会关心PhD毕业的要求。我犹记得导师这样跟我说过,’I don’t need a PhD degree cuz I’ve got one. Honestly, it’s yourself that decide when you need this degree and how.’ 有的导师并不强制你一定的文章数量,有的组可能会有数量或者档次的要求。毫不避讳地说,如果你非常在乎这点,不妨一开始就问清楚。有顾虑的同学可以从组里的成员开始,或者搜索过往毕业生的文章发表情况。而我个人认为,直接向导师咨询也不是啥忌讳的事,只是要注意时间场合以及方式方法。个人建议是双方达成初步意向之后,再作进一步了解。
至于是否需要套辞这一点,其实要分情况讨论,而且不同专业差异很大。我的总体建议是,如果之前的教育背景都是在国内,完全不熟悉国外的情况,那我建议你首先看看学校有没有和国外大学的交流合作项目,比如一两个学期的那种,如果专业相关,是很值得申请的;如果没有,我建议你提前通过邮件联系一两个老师,把自己的简历和proposal发给对方看一下,好让自己心里有个底,如果对方回复欢迎你来申请,那你就申吧;如果对方说你的方向不合适,你最好去找xxx老师,那你就去找xxx老师;如果对方不回复,你也have nothing to lose,找其他老师就行。如果之前已经有国外的教育背景,在英国或者美国有自己的导师,那你可以询问一下自己导师的意见,问一下他们觉得你需不需要套辞,因为这种专业内部的事情还是他们更了解。
Research proposal,1500-2000words。就是你自己设想的博士论文题。一般包括这么几个部分:开头介绍,二手文献综述,自己的新想法,研究的方法论,总结。当然基本上真正开始读博之后很少有人会严格follow这个proposal的结构,除非你三年下来都没有进步……所以这个proposal不必特别当真,它主要反映的是你当前的研究兴趣,然后告诉对方你对这个领域有了一定的了解,你具备独立研究的能力,而且你能明确地看到当前的研究里有哪些不足或者还没有被充分研究的视角,你有能力提出一个有潜力的新想法。更重要的是,你提出的这个题目是三到四年内可以完成的,不会太简单一年就写完,也不会因为涵盖范围太广而无法毕业。所以有些老师会想看到你在里面加上一个timetable,让你列出来你觉得这三年时间应该如何安排。
我就读于UIUC的信息管理专业(Master in Information Management),2017年8月底入学,2018年12月毕业,目前在美国一家互联网电商公司工作。在读MSIM之前,我的本科是会计专业,入学前没有任何编程基础。从我自己找工作的经历来看没有觉得特别艰难,时间线大约是从2018年8月底到11月初,以投商业分析和分析方向的咨询职位为主。美国的就业市场,商业分析相关的项目(商业分析/数据分析/统计/信息管理/信息系统)主要有以下就业方向:
虽然是MSc in Mathematics,但是港中文去年新开了一个方向是 Big Data Analytics and Computations Stream。其中的可以选择数学图像处理、图论与网络、计算数学、金融数学作为自己的发展方向。这个方向的开课还是有很多金融和经济方向的课程。值得一提的是香港中文数学科学研究所所长是大名鼎鼎的丘成桐。香港中文大学的数学系名师璀璨,排名可能是亚洲前三。报名的时候建议附上GRE。
What differences should I be aware of when applying to schools in UK and US? Will there be any preferences in ways of expression?
Thank you for your question. I’m going to deal with the second part first: “preferences in ways of expression”. Then, I’m just going to give a quick overview on a some of the other differences—besides “ways of expression”—that you may be aware of already but are worth noting.
Meaning, spelling, and usage can all vary between US and UK English. Sometimes it’s said that the UK and US are ‘two countries divided by a common language’. Generally, however, the differences (in both directions) are very easy for a native speaker to figure out. I’m British but more and more nowadays I have the spellchecker set to ‘US English’.Nonetheless, occasionally the differences have serious consequences!
For example, Winston Churchill wrote about a misunderstanding during WWII that occurred because of differences in American and British understandings of the verb phrase “to table an item on a meeting agenda”:
The US meaning is “to suspend or delay the item from discussion”;
The UK meaning is “to open an item up for discussion”. Basically, the opposite! In the circumstances, it was important to resolve this quickly!
Differences that are most commonly known however are somewhat less weighty! Unsurprisingly, the differences people are most aware of tend to those that come up regularly in popular culture:
Food (cookie v. biscuit / pronounciation of ‘tom-ay-to’ v. ‘tom-ar-to’)
Clothes (purse v. handbag / sneaker v. trainer)
Leisure pursuits (soccer v. football / movie v. film)
Slang uses also, obviously, vary very widely. But since these documents require a degree of formality, you won’t be writing in slang in your applications. Therefore I won’t talk about these too much.
但是,最常见的差异往往也不太重要!毫不奇怪,人们最了解的差异往往是流行文化中经常出现的差异: 食物的用法(饼干cookie v. biscuit/西红柿的发音:“ tom-ay-to” v. “ tom-ar-to”) 服饰的用法(钱包purse v. handbag/运动鞋:sneaker v. trainer) 休闲类(足球:soccer v. football/电影:movie v. film) 俚语的使用差异也很巨大。但是,由于文书比较正式,因此你不会在申请材料中使用俚语。因此,我就不过多谈论这些。
Other famous differences might be… the US calling the third season of the year, ‘fall’ versus the UK’s ‘autumn’. Or the US calling the punctuation mark that ends a sentence a ‘period’, whereas in the UK it is referred to as a ‘full stop’.There are lots of other tiny differences in usage such as:
The British put an ‘s’ at the end of directional adverbs like ‘forwards’ or ‘towards’. American usually omit the ‘s’, so it’s ‘forward’ or ‘toward’
One difference that a lot of people seem to know is that in the UK the word ‘whilst’ is commonly used, but in the US it’s kind of unknown and people always say ‘while’.
But you know what? Aside from setting the spellchecker to the correct version of English, I think it would be a mistake to agonize or worry much about these issues.I’ll just give a quick overview of some more substantial differences that might be more useful for guiding your thinking as you prepare your applications:
To make this answer a reasonable length, I’m going to assume you’re asking about master’s programs. I want to emphasize that I’m speaking really, really generally here because… I don’t know your exact circumstances. Differences to be aware of include:
US graduate degrees can be a bit broader in focus, especially at the outset. In the UK there tends to be more specialization and independent learning; so, you might want to consider more emphasis on experiences attesting to those skills.
The typical duration of a master’s in the UK can be nine to 12 months; in the US it’s more often about two years. If you’re doing a master’s to give yourself a boost in your professional career, you may wish to factor in the greater time-cost of a US program. On the other side, you may want to balance that the networking opportunities in the US may be better. (The actual cost is another meaningful consideration for most people!)
The working visa situation is always fluid, but if you have an interest in spending some time working professionally in the country where you take your master’s, my geopolitical hunch is that this may be more achievable in the UK.
In the UK you’re also going to be sparing yourself—for most programs—the additional difficulty of taking many of the big standardized tests.
I want to end by saying that another difference people often talk about is teaching style or culture. And I know I’ve made a lot of generalizations and assumptions in this answer, but I think this would be going too far!
I think knowing the culture of each school you apply to should be a really important priority if you want to submit a quality application. The environment is what will determine your success, so I want to end my answer by urging you to focus on looking into the schools and programs individually and avoiding generalized assumptions. This is the best advice I can give to help you make the most sensible decisions about your applications.Outstanding applications support is at your fingertips on http://zhishiQ.com
吃龙虾的网红店,到了晚上十点都要排队的那种,价格适中,每份基本在45~55磅之间,可以选不同的做法(蒸烤)和味道(盐焗等等),有几种set可以选,纯龙虾或者龙虾+汉堡,这家的汉堡也很好吃~龙虾的个头还挺大的,小食也都不错,推荐烤鱿鱼圈。这家比较有意思的是服务员,不管男女都很会撩,让你体验到you are my only one的服务。
同样,职业规划也是评估申请者和某个项目契合度的重要部分,只要why you choose us和why we choose you都有其存在的意义时,招生官才会考虑提供offer。教育背景是申请的门槛,学术经历和课外活动经历是用来证明个人能力的case,会让申请者的经历更加丰富和饱满,也会让招生官相信申请者是一个全方面发展的学生(国外比国内更注重学生的全面发展,学术能力只是评判的标准之一)。