第一,希望大家在写作的时候,能够focus on the future instead of the past。
具体来说,focus on the future就是能够在写文书之前,明确地知道自己将来想要从事什么样的工作或者进行哪方面的研究,目前还欠缺什么样的知识或者技能,而这个研究生项目将如何如何有效地帮助自己实现这个目标。而对于过去的描写应该尽量简略且硬核,最好能够非常直接地表明自己参与了什么样的研究或实习,应用了什么样的方法或技术,得到了什么样的结果,这其中体现了自己哪些方面的能力,而这些能力恰好是完成这个项目所需要的,即基础或前提。这样不仅能够做到逻辑清晰、结构完整,同时也能快速帮助招生官更好地认识你。
韦仕顿大学的图书馆专业是北美数一数二的,摘自官网原句“Western’s Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program is widely recognized as one of the best programs of its kind in North America”。在这个专业里可以锻炼合作能力和时间管理能力,最重要的是收获自信。很多人都觉得读完这个专业自信了不少,知道自己可以做什么,实现多大的社会价值。更多专业信息可以看一下链接
我最后去纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial University of Newfoundland)全职工作了4个月。申请的过程让我收获了意想不到的产物 -- 不断修改求职信和简历的经历让我对北美的格式和内容以及相关规定有了很深入的了解,因此还成为韦仕顿大学求职文书顾问,主要工作就是为咨询求职信和简历的各个专业学生提出修改意见。不管是这个专业的课程还是实习,甚至是申请的过程,都能学到有用的技能,有可能会获得意料之外的机会和成就。
作者Runke Huang,芝士圈留学行家,牛津大学教育学博士生(PhD candidate in the University of Oxford,2019-10~2022-10), 香港大学教育学院优秀硕士毕业生(master's degree with distinction from The University of Hong Kong)。
作者Runke Huang,芝士圈留学行家,牛津大学教育学博士生(PhD candidate in the University of Oxford,2019-10~2022-10), 香港大学教育学院优秀硕士毕业生(master's degree with distinction from The University of Hong Kong)。
My intern experience as a teaching assistant in XXX provided me a precious opportunity to explore my never-ending passion for education. By learning about different pedagogical techniques, I hope to transform the way education is provided in remote rural areas.
I taught a class of 64 children. They were different ages. One boy said he was ten but he looked too tiny. Others were in their late teens. They looked different to the classes I'd taught back home, but what struck me most was how they moved, the lack of energy. No-one misbehaved. By the end of the day, I had memorized each of their names.
Growing up in the shadow of a coal-fired power plant, my childhood was marked by a chimney belching dark smoke. Many people contracted lung diseases and it was this early, unsettling exposure to ... [An applicant for masters in area of biological sciences]
I looked up, nose to nose with Ms. Smith. I couldn’t believe she was talking to me. Reluctantly, I stood up, unable to fathom why my favorite teacher would ever punish me.
I will be a success at your school and beyond because...
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嗯,在最后怎么说呢,还是不希望大家对生活失去信心。就像题主问的“不会轻易向别人提起的心酸生活”,这些故事我也很少讲出去,今天和大家说说,主要就是让大家看看这不是还有活得更惨的么,宽宽心。有一句我在facebook上看到的话,想和大家分享“your personal problems require personal solution not social attention”有的时候生活中的磨难,击败它们之后,就像打怪升级,我们变成了更好的我们。那些在我‘穷困潦倒’伸出援手的小伙伴,也是我现在最好的朋友;现在的也不是一个人走夜路了,高高大大的朋友们会把夹在中间;伤口会结痂,就当是友谊的见证吧;现在不是也是可以用法语简答地开些玩笑了。就像法国人常说的“C’est la vie”。这就是生活。让我们一起击败生活中的那些辛酸,因为Everyday is a great day!