文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 419 用户
  • 4.98 评分
  • 65 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
While working in the Office of International Admissions at Oregon State University, I helped hundreds of students through the US university application process. My experience being on the admissions committee that reviewed applicants gave me great insight to what US universities are looking for in an international candidate. Additionally, I have worked for over five years as an English teacher, enhancing my writing and language abilities. I’m excited to use my strong communication skills and university admissions knowledge to help you prepare an application that gets you accepted to your ideal program! 在俄勒冈州立大学国际招生办公室工作期间,我帮助数百名学生完成了美国大学申请流程。招生委员会工作的经历让我对美国大学录取国际申请者的偏好有了深入了解。此外,我担任英语老师5年有余,这段工作经历让我的写作和语言能力得到了提升。我很高兴能利用我的沟通技巧和大学招生经验来帮助您准备留学申请材料,辅助您拿到梦校的录取。
2007/09 ~ 2011/06 University of Oregon | Bachelor | International Business
¥735 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥735 ¥2.45
¥1225 ¥3.15
¥2450 ¥4.2


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥8665 ¥14915 ¥22165
VIP文书套餐 ¥11415 ¥19165 ¥31165


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

  • 91 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 24 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto in the departments of History and Jewish Studies. Previously, I completed a Master’s at the University of Oxford, attended teacher’s college at Queen’s University, and completed a Bachelor’s in History and French Studies at Trent University. I have experience editing written work both within academia in North America and the UK and outside of academia with the Government of Canada. 参考译文:我是多伦多大学历史和犹太研究系的博士研究生。此前,我在牛津大学(University of Oxford)完成了硕士学位,在皇后大学(Queen 's University)就读师范学院,并在特伦特大学(Trent University)完成了历史和法语研究学士学位。我在北美和英国的学术界和加拿大政府的学术界之外都有编辑书面工作的经验。
2012/10 ~ 2013/07 University of Oxford | Master | Modern British and European History
2011/09 ~ 2012/06 Queen's University | Bachelor | Education
¥471 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥470 ¥1.568
¥784 ¥2.016
¥1568 ¥2.688

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 168 用户
  • 4.97 评分
  • 29 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
I am glad that you have decided to invest in your education. I am well-placed to support you in your journey, as you successfully obtain an admission at the university of your choice. Studying at top-ranked universities such as University of Cambridge and University of Chicago as an international student has taught me what admissions offices typically look for in successful applicants, and how best to communicate your achievements. My job experience at Oxera (economic consulting for litigation and arbitration disputes), Deloitte and Morgan Stanley built on this and developed my ability to compose facts into a compelling ‘story’ that keeps a reader interested and convinced. Besides this, my girlfriend was a Chinese international student at LSE and my interactions with her, and her friends, have given me a unique perspective on the issues commonly faced by Chinese students in trying to communicate their achievements to western audiences. I am, therefore, personally motivated to help international students to better overcome the barrier we face in presenting ourselves in the best light. 投资海外教育并不便宜,但绝对物有所值。也许你对这充满变数的未来还有些迷茫,没关系,让我来帮助你开启这段精彩的旅程,并以得到你梦想学校的录取为终点。在剑桥大学和芝加哥大学的经历是我人生中的宝贵财富,它们也帮我了解到这些顶级学校在寻找什么样的学生,我将和你一起,用你的经历和成就书写一张通往理想大学的入场券。我曾在英国本土公司Oxera以及跨国公司德勤和摩根斯坦利工作过,日常工作中我经常需要“讲故事”,即用事实和数据构建出引人入胜又极具说服力的文章,让读者清晰地领会我想表达的意图。我也将会用这方面的经验和智识为你打造出专属你的精彩文书。此外,鉴于我有一个曾在伦敦政治经济学院读书的中国女朋友,我十分习惯与中国背景的留学生一起工作。在和我的女朋友以及她周围人的接触过程中,我深刻又直观地认识到了很多中国学生在和西方群体交流时的常见问题,因而,我十分希望能够帮助中国留学生克服这些表达和思考模式障碍,向申请学校表现出一个真正的、优秀的自己。
2018/09 ~ 2020/06 University of Chicago | MBA | Accounting, Finance, Strategic Management, General Management
2011/10 ~ 2014/06 University of Cambridge | Bachelor | Economics
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 761 用户
  • 4.95 评分
  • 127 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

I am an educational professional, translator, and author who has seen academia from all sides. I understand how stressful the application process can be, so I enjoy sharing expertise as well as encouragement with my clients.Although my background is in the humanities, the majority of my clients on Zhishiq.com so far have been in the field of finance, with a significant number in architecture, urban planning, and computer science as well. I love to research new topics, so I welcome the opportunity to collaborate with clients in all academic disciplines.I am a native speaker of American English, but I am well-versed in the written conventions of British English as well. I keep up to date with the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, and I believe in the serial comma.

2008/08 ~ 2011/05 Harvard University | Master | Arts and Humanities
2003/04 ~ 2006/04 University of Michigan | Bachelor | Slavic Languages & Literature
¥471 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥470 ¥1.568
¥784 ¥2.016
¥1568 ¥2.688


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5546 ¥9546 ¥14186
VIP文书套餐 ¥7306 ¥12266 ¥19946

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 401 用户
  • 4.96 评分
  • 71 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Hello! My name is Aaron, and I'd like to work with you. I'm guessing you've got a wealth of talent and experience and you need it to stand out. I've helped many students with exactly that challenge, and they've ended up at Yale, Columbia and UPenn, to name a few stiffly competitive places. I'm confident that, together, we can make your application represent you with just the right shine.

2007/09 ~ 2011/05 Boston University | Bachelor | English
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932

留学咨询 文书导师
  • 310 用户
  • 4.97 评分
  • 68 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
My name is Anna and I would love to help you in effectively communicating your passion and potential. I have a BA from Durham University in Theology and Religion, an MSt from Oxford University in Theology and am currently a PhD researcher at the University of Birmingham - schools which rank in the top 15 in the UK. I have extensive experience of writing essays, dissertations and applications to meet strict deadlines. I know the academic world and am always writing and producing work that has to meet the highest standards, and I can help you do the same! 我的名字是安娜,我很乐意帮助您有效地传达您的热情和潜力。我拥有杜伦大学的神学和宗教学士学位,牛津大学的神学硕士学位,目前是伯明翰大学的博士研究员——这些学校在英国排名前 15。我在写论文、论文和申请方面有丰富的经验。我了解学术界,并且一直在撰写和制作必须符合最高标准的作品,我可以帮助您做到这一点!
2017/09 ~ 2020/07 University of Birmingham | PH.D | Theology
2015/10 ~ 2016/06 University of Oxford | Master | Theology
¥441 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥441 ¥1.47
¥735 ¥1.89
¥1470 ¥2.52

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 221 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 11 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

I have six years of experience helping students with academic writing, including personal statements, application letters, and publications. Having just finished my PhD in the philosophy of education, I also hold a MA in Philosophy of Education from UCL IoE and a MSc in Higher Education from Oxford University. Higher education is my passion and as a long-time international student from the USA in the UK, I am keen to help you achieve your educational goals at top universities.

2016/10 ~ 2021/10 University of Leeds | PH.D | Philosophy of Education
2015/09 ~ 2016/09 University College London | Master | Philosophy of Education
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 8333 用户
  • 4.98 评分
  • 937 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
The most experienced Senior Editor on the Zhishiq site, I have helped students gain acceptance to the very best universities in the US (MIT, Harvard, Stanford), UK (Oxford, Cambridge, LSE), Europe and Canada. I have the raw IDEAS to improve your basic content, as well as the sophisticated WRITING SKILLS to get your documents polished to perfection!
2011/10 ~ 2013/10 University of Oxford | Master | Creative Writing
2003/10 ~ 2006/10 University of Bristol | Bachelor | English & Philosophy
¥735 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥735 ¥2.45
¥1225 ¥3.15
¥2450 ¥4.2


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥8665 ¥14915 ¥22165
VIP文书套餐 ¥11415 ¥19165 ¥31165


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

  • 247 用户
  • 4.92 评分
  • 75 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

MA in Linguistics from the University of Texas-Austin and BA in English from the College of William and Mary in Virginia.

1979/01 ~ 1981/12 The University of Texas at Austin | Master | Linguistics
1969/09 ~ 1973/06 College of William and Mary | Bachelor | English
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016

  • 41 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 14 评价数

I am a graduate of London (B.A.), Oxford (M.St.) and Cambridge Universities (M.Phil) and am now finishing my D.Phil. (PhD) at Christ Church, Oxford. I have worked as a freelance journalist and sub-editor for international publications including The Financial Times and Frieze. I have also taught undergraduate courses at Oxford for the past five years and have been an admissions interviewer at Christ Church, Oxford.

2009/01 ~ 2015/01 Christ Church, University of Oxford | Fine Art Theory
2007/10 ~ 2008/12 Jesus College, University of Cambridge | History of Art and Architecture
¥294 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥294 ¥0.98
¥490 ¥1.26
¥980 ¥1.68

  • 56 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 11 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

With a background in Chinese to English translation and teaching English as a second language, I have honed excellent skills in attention to detail and cultivated a passion towards supporting international students. Having completed a year of study with Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, I have gained first-hand experience of the challenges of studying in another language and believe I can support students in reflecting their potential through the application process.

2016/10 ~ 2017/10 University of Bristol | Master | Translation
2010/09 ~ 2014/06 Liverpool John Moores University | Bachelor | International Business Studies and Chinese
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 197 用户
  • 4.93 评分
  • 27 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
Hello! I want to help you craft impactful essays. My writing and editing strengths are brevity, clarity, a keen eye for detail, and knowing my audience. As an American with an advanced degree in English and formal training in editing, I can polish your writing and improve your fluency as you strive to stand out amongst your peers. 你好!我想帮助您撰写有影响力的文章。我写作和编辑的优势是简洁、清晰、对细节的敏锐眼光以及了解我的听众。作为一名拥有高级英语学位和正式编辑培训的美国人,当您努力在同龄人中脱颖而出时,我可以润色您的写作并提高您的文书流利度。
1993/06 ~ 1995/05 Southeastern Louisiana University | Master | English Literature
¥471 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥470 ¥1.568
¥784 ¥2.016
¥1568 ¥2.688


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5546 ¥9546 ¥14186
VIP文书套餐 ¥7306 ¥12266 ¥19946


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

文书导师 模拟面试
  • 62 用户
  • 4.86 评分
  • 14 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
天空才是极限 My name is Monica and, I’m from the United States. I have a Master’s Degree and Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. I have thirteen years of experience working with others to help them achieve their academic and career goals. Through my career, I've helped hundreds of people with academic and professional writing and specialized in mock interviews. I have hosted developmental training classes and have also taught Science, Technology, Engineering and Math skills to students. I have tutored English and Writing. Currently, I teach English to Chinese children and have grown very close to my students and their families. I speak English and Spanish fluently, so I understand the struggle of learning a different language. My aim is to collaboratively design a tailored strategy to help your writing be a true reflection of your potential. Everyone has a different story. Let's ensure that your essay is a reflection of your greatest accomplishments. I have a vested interest in your success! Thank you, and I look forward to working with you to deliver results! The sky is the limit! 我叫莫妮卡,来自美国。我有工商管理硕士学位和学士学位。我有13年的与他人合作的经验,帮助他们实现他们的学术和职业目标。在我的职业生涯中,我已经帮助了数百人进行学术和专业写作,并专门进行模拟面试。我主持过发展培训课程,也教过学生科学、技术、工程和数学技能。我辅导过英语和写作。目前,我教中国孩子英语,与我的学生和他们的家庭关系非常好。我能流利地说英语和西班牙语,所以我理解学习另一种语言的困难。我的目标是协同设计一个量身定制的策略,帮助你的写作真正反映你的潜力。每个人都有不同的故事。让我们确保你的文章反映了你最大的成就。谢谢你们,我期待着与你们共同努力,取得成果!前途无量!
2008/06 ~ 2010/07 Saint Xavier University | MBA | Business Management
2003/08 ~ 2007/06 Saint Xavier University | Bachelor | Business Management
¥294 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥294 ¥0.98
¥490 ¥1.26
¥980 ¥1.68


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

  • 292 用户
  • 4.9 评分
  • 51 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

I am a professional ESL teacher and editor. I studied abroad in college and taught English overseas for four years before returning to the US. I am CELTA certified in TESOL, specifically for teaching adult speakers of other languages. I currently work in marketing as an editor for large businesses. I have strong skills in editing and proofreading for a variety of subjects, including English, literature, sociology, anthropology and linguistics.

2005/09 ~ 2009/11 University of Delaware | Bachelor | East Asian Studies
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 48 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 20 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

A professional researcher, writer, and editor with a background in public policy and education.

2002/09 ~ 2004/05 University of California, Berkeley | Master | Public Policy
1992/09 ~ 1996/05 Albion College | Bachelor | Political Science
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥4159 ¥7159 ¥10639
VIP文书套餐 ¥5479 ¥9199 ¥14959