University of Law
Master Law
University of Oxford
Bachelor Law
Audit and Compliance Manager
Shift Manager
Dealing with parcel delivery logistics and managing the day to day running of the depot.
Citizens Advice
I volunteer as a legal adviser, helping people fill in forms and providing legal advice to clients.
Assisting others with applications, CVs and other academic documents.
Oxford Univeristy Press
Reading, reviewing and editing documents prior to publication.
Tutoring students with English as a second language
Teaching English to students with English as a second language.
获奖 & 荣誉
DAAD Scholarship
Scholarship to study and work in Germany/at the University of Freiburg over one summer.
Major Scholarship
Inner Temple
Full scholarship to study for the Bar.
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award
Duke of Edinburgh Society
Duke of Edinburgh Scholarship
Inner Temple
Scholarship for admittance to the Bar of England and Wales.
- 博士
- 硕士
- 本科
- 其他
450 法律学
164 金融学
88 会计、审计、金融管理
86 计算机科学/工程
65 教育学
57 商业分析
44 工商管理/MBA
39 金融工程
38 电子工程
37 战略管理学
36 统计科学
34 市场营销学
34 法学大类
27 传媒与新闻学
27 经济学
27 生物化学
26 环境工程
21 机械工程
18 化学工程
18 材料科学/工程
15 社会学
徐*升 Mar 4, 2024
推荐信修改服务 深度修改 生物化学
Thank you so much for your professional suggestions! All of them were incredibly helpful and greatly contributed to my acceptance!
Nickla A
It was my pleasure to work with you, I wish you the best of luck with your applications.
徐*升 Mar 4, 2024
推荐信修改服务 深度修改 生物化学
Thank you so much for your professional suggestions! All of them were incredibly helpful and greatly contributed to my acceptance!
徐*升 Mar 4, 2024
博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 生物化学
Thank you so much for your professional suggestions! All of them were incredibly helpful and greatly contributed to my acceptance!
徐*升 Mar 4, 2024
英文简历修改服务 深度修改 生物化学
Thank you so much for your professional suggestions! All of them were incredibly helpful and greatly contributed to my acceptance!
yingbei peng Jan 17, 2023
推荐信修改服务 语言润色 环境工程
Thank you for revising my document so fast.
Nickla A
You are most welcome! It was my pleasure to work with you, best of luck.