项目名 | 英文名 | 专业排名 |
会计学 | Master of Accounting | |
会计与金融 | Master of Accounting and Finance | |
应用金融学 | Master of Applied Finance | |
金融学 | Master of Finance | |
专业会计 | Master of Professional Accounting | |
海洋工程学 | Master of Marine Engineering | |
工程学(机械电子工程) | Master of Engineering (Mechatronic) | |
工程学(机械工程) | Master of Engineering (Mechanical) | |
材料工程硕士 | Master of Materials Engineering | |
工程学(电气工程) | Master of Engineering (Electrical) | |
工程学(电子工程) | Master of Engineering (Electronic) | |
计算机科学 | Master of Computer Science | |
机器学习硕士 | Master of Machine Learning | |
网络安全硕士 | Master of Cyber Security | |
软件工程 | Master of Software Engineering | |
计算与创新 | Master of Computing and Innovation | |
工程学(化学工程) | Master of Engineering (Chemical) | |
工程学(土木与结构工程) | Master of Engineering (Civil & Structural) | |
工程学(采矿工程) | Master of Engineering (Mining) | |
工程学(土木与环境工程) | Master of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) | |
地质统计学 | Master of Geostatistics | |
理学(石油地球科学) | Master of Science (Petroleum Geoscience) | |
石油工程学 | Master of Petroleum Engineering | |
法学 | Master of Laws | |
比较法(阿德莱德/曼海姆) | Master of Comparative Laws (Adelaide/Mannheim) | |
商业法 | Master of Business Law | |
数学 | Master of Mathematical Sciences | |
葡萄酒业务 | Master of Wine Business | |
葡萄栽培与酿酒 | Master of Viticulture and Oenology | |
生物技术(植物生物技术) | Master of Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnoloty) | |
生物技术(生物医学) | Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) | |
商业研究硕士 | Master of Business Research | |
市场营销 | Master of Marketing | |
会计与市场营销 | Master of Accounting and Marketing | |
金融与商业经济学 | Master of Finance and Business Economics | |
应用经济学 | Master of Applied Economics | |
高级经济学 | Master of Advanced Economics | |
国际管理硕士 | Master of International Management | |
课程类商业硕士 | Master of Commerce by coursework | |
农业企业管理 | Master of Agribusiness | |
工商管理硕士(葡萄酒商业) | Master of Business Administration (Wine Business) | |
工商管理硕士(项目管理) | Master of Business Administration (Project Management) | |
工商管理硕士(市场营销) | Master of Business Administration (Marketing) | |
工商管理硕士(国际贸易和发展) | Master of Business Administration (International Trade and Development) | |
工商管理硕士(企业家) | Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship) | |
工商管理硕士(新兴领袖) | Master of Business Administration (Emerging Leaders) | |
工商管理 | Master of Business Administration | |
国际贸易与发展 | Master of International Trade and Development | |
环境政策与管理 | Master of Environmental Policy and Management | |
文学(口译,翻译与跨文化传播) | Master of Arts (Interpreting, Translation and Transcultural Communication) | |
教学(中等教育) | Master of Teaching(Middle and Secondary) | |
教育学 | Master of Education | |
规划学(城市设计) | Master of Planning (Urban Design) | |
规划学 | Master of Planning | |
景观建筑学 | Master of Landscape Architecture | |
建筑学 | Master of Architecture by coursework | |
地产学 | Master of Property | |
文学(美术馆与博物馆研究) | Master of Arts (Curatorial & Museum Studies) | |
健康经济学与政策 | Master of Health Economics and Policy | |
音乐(表演研究) | Master of Music (Performance Studies) | |
音乐(表演与教学) | Master of Music (Performance and Pedagogy) | |
文学(国际研究/环境研究/音乐创造性实践) | Master of Arts(International Studies/Environmental Studies/Creative Practice in Music) | |
文学(艺术史研究) | Master of Arts (Studies in Art History) | |
应用项目管理(项目系统) | Master of Applied Project Management (Project Systems) | |
建筑工程管理硕士 | Master of Construction Management | |
应用项目管理 | Master of Applied Project Management | |
生物信息学硕士 | Master of Bioinformatics | |
公共卫生 | Master of Public Health | |
组织与人因心理学 | Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors) | |
健康心理学 | Master of Psychology (Health) | |
临床心理学 | Master of Psychology (Clinical) | |
心理辅导与治疗 | Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy | |
工程学(航空航天工程) | Master of Engineering (Aerospace) | |
全球食品和农业企业 | Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business |