项目名 | 英文名 | 专业排名 |
应用金融学 | Master of Applied Finance - Coursework | |
专业会计 | Master of Professional Accounting - Coursework | |
物理学(天文学与天体物理学/计算物理学/实验物理学/医学物理学/理论物理学) | Master of Physics (Astronomy and Astrophysics/Computational Physics/Experimental Physics/Medical Physics/Theoretical Physics) - Coursework and Dissert | |
信息技术 | Master of Information Technology - Coursework | |
石油地质科学 | Master of Petroleum Geoscience | |
水文地质学 | Master of Hydrogeology | |
地球科学 | Master of Geoscience | |
地理信息科学 | Master of Geographic Information Science | |
石油与天然气工程 | Master of Engineering in Oil and Gas - Coursework | |
环境科学(环境管理/地理信息科学与环境管理/土地与水资源管理/海洋与海岸管理) | Master of Environmental Science (Environmental Management/Geographic Information Science and Environmental Management/Land and Water Management/Marine | |
专业工程学(化学工程/土木工程/电气与电子工程/环境工程/机械工程/采矿工程/软件工程) | Master of Professional Engineering (Chemical Engineering/Civil Engineering/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Environmental Engineering/Mechanical | |
税法 | Master of Taxation Law | |
矿业与能源法 | Master of Mining and Energy Law - Coursework | |
法学 | Master of Laws - Coursework | |
国际法 | Master of International Law - Coursework | |
商业与资源法 | Master of Commercial and Resources Law | |
生物技术(生物化学与分子生物学/环境生物技术/遗传育种/遗传学与基因组学) | Master of Biotechnology (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Environmental Biotechnology/Genetics and Breeding/Genetics and Genomics) | |
生物科学(保护生物学/生态学/海洋生物学/动物学) | Master of Biological Science (Conservation Biology/Ecology/Marine Biology/Zoology) | |
生物艺术 | Master of Biological Arts - Coursework and Dissertation | |
农业科学(农业经济学/耕牧混合农业系统/遗传育种/土壤科学及植物营养学) | Master of Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics/Crop and Livestock Farming Systems/Genetics and Breeding/Soil Science and Plant Nutrition) | |
药剂学(延伸课程) | Master of Pharmacy (extended) - Coursework | |
健康科学(运动与健康/人体生物学/神经科学/生理学) | Master of Health Science (Exercise and Health/Human Biology/Neuroscience/Physiology) - Coursework | |
市场营销 | Master of Marketing - Coursework | |
经济学 | Master of Economics - Coursework | |
商学(会计/商业信息与物流管理/经济学/电子商务/雇佣关系/金融/人力资源管理/国际商务/管理学/市场营销) | Master of Commerce (Accounting/Business Information and Logistics Management/Economics/Electronic Business/Employment Relations/Finance/Human Resource | |
人力资源与雇佣关系 | Master of Human Resources and Employment Relations - Coursework | |
工商管理(创业与创新/金融/领导力/自然资源管理/社会影响) | Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship and Innovation/Finance/Leadership/Natural Resource Management/Social Impact) - Coursework | |
工商管理 | Master of Business Administration - Coursework and Dissertation | |
战略传播学 | Master of Strategic Communication | |
科学传播 | Master of Science Communication | |
公共政策(经济学/公共管治) | Master of Public Policy (Economics/Public Adminstration and Governance) | |
国际关系 | Master of International Relations | |
亚洲研究(商业/中国法律/政治) | Master of Asian Studies (Business/Chiness Law/Politics) | |
国际发展(发展政策与实践/发展经济学/政治与发展) | Master of International Development (Development Policy and Practice/Economics of Development/Politics and Development) | |
社会工作 | Master of Social Work | |
社会研究方法 | Master of Social Research Methods | |
翻译研究(汉语/汉语口译/法语/德语/意大利语) | Master of Translation Studies (Chinese/Chinese Interpreting/French/German/Italian) | |
健康专业教育 | Master of Health Professions Education - Coursework and Dissertation | |
教育领导学 | Master of Educational Leadership - Coursework | |
教育学 | Master of Education - Coursework | |
教学(早教/音乐/小学教学/中学教学) | Master of Teaching(Eearly Childhood/Music/Primary/Secondary) | |
教学(小学) | Master of Teaching - Coursework (Primary) | |
城市与区域规划 | Master of Urban and Regional Planning | |
城市设计 | Master of Urban Design - Coursework and Dissertation | |
景观建筑学 | Master of Landscape Architecture - Coursework | |
建筑学 | Master of Architecture - Coursework | |
遗产学(澳洲本土遗产/国际遗产) | Master of Heritage Studies (Indigenous Australian Heritage/International Heritage) - Coursework and Dissertation | |
研究学 | Master of Studies | |
商业信息与物流管理 | Master of Business Information and Logistics Management - Coursework | |
生物医学(生物化学与分子生物学/人体生物学/神经科学/生理学) | Master of Biomedical Science (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Human Biology/Neuroscience/Physiology) | |
公共卫生 | Master of Public Health | |
公共卫生(实践/研究方法) | Master of Public Health - Coursework and Dissertation (Practice/Research Methods) | |
传染病学 | Master of Infectious Diseases - Coursework and Dissertation | |
行业与组织心理学 | Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology - Coursework and Dissertation | |
临床运动生理学 | Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology - Coursework | |
运动科学(运动与锻炼科学/运动与休闲管理) | Master of Exercise Science (Sport and Exercise Science/Sport and Recreation Management) |