
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


项目名 英文名 专业排名
人类学 Master of Arts in Anthropology
跨文化研究 Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies
文化管理 Master of Arts in Cultural Management
英语应用语言学 Master of Arts in English (Applied English Linguistics)
英语文学研究 Master of Arts in English(Literary Studies)
比较及公众历史学 Master of Arts in Comparative & Public History
汉语语言学及语言获得 Master of Arts in Chinese Linguistics & Language Acquisition
语言学 Master of Arts in Linguistics
音乐学 Master of Arts in Music
宗教研究 Master of Arts in Religious Studies
神道学硕士 Master of Divinity
基督教研究 Master of Arts in Christian Studies
翻译学 Master of Arts in Translation
会计学 Master of Accountancy
金融学 Master of Science in Finance
资讯与科技管理 Master of Science in Information & Technology Management
市场营销 Master of Science in Marketing
教育学 Master of Education
生物医学工程 Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
计算机科学 Master of Science in Computer Science
电子工程 Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
信息工程 Master of Science in Information Engineering
机械与自动化工程 Master of Science in Mechanical & Automation Engineering
系统工程与工程管理 Master of Science in Systems Engineering & Engineering Management
电子商务与物流技术 Master of Science in E-Commerce & Logistics Technologies
中国商业法 LLM in Chinese Business Law
普通法 LLM in Common Law
国际经济法 LLM in International Economic Law
护理科学 Master of Nursing Science(Pre-registration)
运动医学及健康科学 Master of Science in Sports Medicine and Health Science
公共健康 Master of Public Health
中医学 Master of Chinese Medicine
生物化学及生物医学 Biochemical and Biomedical Sciences
数学理学硕士 Master of Science in Mathematics
物理学 Master of Science in Physics
建筑硕士 Master of Architecture
城市设计 Master of Science in Urban Design
全球传播 Master of Arts in Global Communication
新闻学 Master of Arts in Journalism
新媒体 Master of Science in New Media
广告学 Master of Social Science in Advertising
企业传播 Master of Social Science in Corporate Communication
地理信息科学 Master of Science in Geoinformation Science
可持续旅游管理 Master of Social Science in Sustainable Tourism
临床心理学 Master of Social Science in Clinical Psychology
全球政治经济学 Master of Social Science in Global Political Economy
公共政策学 Master of Social Science in Public Policy
社会服务管理学 Master of Arts in Social Service Management
社会政策学 Master of Arts in Social Policy
社会工作社会学硕士 Master of Social Science in Social Work
社会学 Master of Arts in Sociology
中国研究 Master of Arts in Chinese Studies
性别研究 Master of Arts in gender Studies
大中华地区的政府与政治学 Master of Social Science in Government and Politics(Greater China)
幼儿教育 Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education
消化疾病学 Master of Science in Gastroenterology
流行病与生物统计学 Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
认证化学 Master of Science in Accreditation Chemistry
经济学 Master of Science in Economics
心理学 Master of Arts in Psychology
社会工作硕士 Master of Social Work
营养、食品科学和技术 Master of Science in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
工商管理 Master of Business Administration
法律博士 Juris Doctor
商业分析 Master of Science in Business Analytics
房地产 MSc in Real Estate
地理监测与公共管理 Master of Science in Geo-survey and Public Management
基因组和生物信息学 Master of Science in Genomics and Bioinformatics
佛教研究 MA in Buddhist Studies
JD-MBA双学位 Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration
管理学 MSc in Management
能源及环境法 Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law
肌骨骼医学、康复及老年骨科 MSc in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Orthopaedics
会计学(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Accounting(CUHKSZ)
金融工程(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Financial Engineering(CUHKSZ)
金融学(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Finance(CUHKSZ)
经济学(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Economics(CUHKSZ)
经济学(合作项目)(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Economics(Joint Program)(CUHKSZ)
数据科学(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Data Science(CUHKSZ)
应用心理学(CUHKSZ) Master of Arts in Applied Psychology(CUHKSZ)
翻译(笔译 / 口译)(CUHKSZ) Master of Arts in Translation (Translation / Interpreting)(CUHKSZ)
同声传译(CUHKSZ) Master of Arts in Simultaneous Interpreting(CUHKSZ)
金融科技理学硕士 Master of Science in Financial Technology
全球研究文学硕士(CUHKSZ) Master of Arts in Global Studies(CUHKSZ)
风险管理科学与数据分析 MSc in Risk Management Science and Data Analytics (Revised programme title subject to University approval)
语言病理学理学硕士 Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
管理学理学硕士(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Management
市场学理学硕士(CUHKSZ) Master of Science in Marketing(CUHK SZ)
体育科学和体育活动 MSc(Sports Science and Physical Activity)
环境信息、健康与公共管理 Master of Science in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management
应用经济学和社会经济政策双学位 Dual Degree - MSc in Applied Economics (CUHK) and MS in Social and Economic Policy (Northwestern University)
信息管理 & 商业分析硕士项目(CUHKSZ) MSc in Information Management and Business Analytics (CUHKSZ)
临床老年学与临终护理 MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-Life Care




