项目名 | 英文名 | 专业排名 |
能源系统 | Master of Energy Systems | |
工程学(生物化学工程) | Master of Engineering (Biochemical) | |
工程学(生物医学工程与商业) | Master of Engineering (Biomedical with Business) | |
工程学(生物医学工程) | Master of Engineering (Biomedical) | |
工程学(化学工程与商业) | Master of Engineering (Chemical with Business) | |
工程学(化学工程) | Master of Engineering (Chemical) | |
工程学(土木工程与商业) | Master of Engineering (Civil with Business) | |
工程学(土木工程) | Master of Engineering (Civil) | |
工程学(电气工程与商业) | Master of Engineering (Electrical with Business) | |
工程学(电气工程) | Master of Engineering (Electrical) | |
工程学(环境工程) | Master of Engineering (Environmental) | |
工程学(机械工程与商业) | Master of Engineering (Mechanical with Business) | |
工程学(机械工程) | Master of Engineering (Mechanical) | |
工程学(机械电子工程) | Master of Engineering (Mechatronics) | |
工程学(软件工程与商业) | Master of Engineering (Software with Business) | |
工程学(软件工程) | Master of Engineering (Software) | |
工程学(空间工程) | Master of Engineering (Spatial) | |
工程学(结构工程) | Master of Engineering (Structural) | |
工程管理学(变更管理) | Master of Engineering Management (Change Management) | |
工程管理学(项目管理) | Master of Engineering Management (Project Management) | |
工程结构 | Master of Engineering Structures | |
环境工程学 | Master of Environmental Engineering | |
信息系统(专业方向/研究方向/健康方向) | Master of Information Systems (Professional Specialisation/Research Specialisation/Health Specialisation) | |
信息技术硕士 | Master of Information Technology | |
工商管理 | Master of Businees Administration | |
商业分析 | Master of Business Analytics | |
商学(精算学) | Master of Commerce (Actuarial Science) | |
经济学 | Master of Economics | |
企业学 | Master of Enterprise | |
金融学 | Master of Finance | |
国际商务 | Master of International Business | |
管理学 | Master of Management | |
管理学(会计与金融) | Master of Management (Accounting and Finance) | |
管理学(会计) | Master of Management (Accounting) | |
管理学(金融) | Master of Management (Finance) | |
管理学(人力资源) | Master of Management (Human Resources) | |
管理学(市场营销) | Master of Management (Marketing) | |
供应链管理 | Master of Supply Chain Management | |
生物技术 | Master of Biotechnology | |
数据科学 | Master of Data Science | |
环境学 | Master of Environment | |
环境科学 | Master of Environmental Science | |
地理学 | Master of Geography | |
地球科学 | Master of Geoscience | |
理学硕士(生物信息学) | Master of Science (Bioinformatics) | |
生物科学 | Master of Science (BioSciences) | |
化学 | Master of Science (Chemistry) | |
计算机科学硕士 | Master of Computer Science | |
地球科学(大气科学/地质学) | Master of Science (Earth Sciences)-Atmospheric Science/Geology | |
生态系统科学 | Master of Science (Ecosystem Science) | |
数学与统计学(应用数学与数学物理学/离散数学与运筹学/纯数学/统计学与随机过程) | Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)-Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics/Discrete Mathematics and Operations Research/Pure Mathemat | |
物理学 | Master of Science (Physics) | |
城市园艺学 | Master of Urban Horticulture | |
法学 | Master of Laws (LLM) | |
银行与金融法 | Master of Banking and Finance Law | |
商法 | Master of Commercial Law | |
建筑法 | Master of Construction Law | |
雇佣与劳动关系法 | Master of Employment and Labour Relations Law | |
能源与资源法 | Master of Energy and Resources Law | |
环境法 | Master of Environmental Law | |
健康与医疗法 | Master of Health and Medical Law | |
人权法 | Master of Human Rights Law | |
知识产权法 | Master of Intellectual Property Law | |
国际税法 | Master of International Tax | |
法律与发展 | Master of Law and Development | |
私法 | Master of Private Law | |
公共与国际法 | Master of Public and International Law | |
税法 | Master of Tax | |
教学(幼儿教学) | Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) | |
教学(小学教学) | Master of Teaching (Primary) | |
教学(幼儿和小学教学) | Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) | |
教学(中学教学) | Master of Teaching (Secondary) | |
现代语言教育 | Master of Modern Languages Education | |
对外英语教学 | Master of TESOL | |
教育学 | Master of Education | |
教学领导 | Master of Instructional Leadership | |
应用积极心理学 | Master of Applied Positive Psychology | |
建筑学 | Master of Architecture | |
建筑工程 | Master of Architectural Engineering | |
建造管理(建筑/造价管理/项目管理) | Master of Construction Management(Building/Cost Management/Project Management) | |
景观建筑学 | Master of Landscape Architecture | |
地产学 | Master of Property | |
城市与文化遗产 | Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage | |
城市设计 | Master of Urban Design | |
城市规划 | Master of Urban Planning | |
公共管理 | Master of Public Administration | |
应用语言学(对外英语教学/语言学习技术/语言测试/英语/现代语言) | Master of Applied Linguistics (TESOL/Technology in Language Learning/Language Testing/English Language/Modern Languages) | |
艺术与文化管理 | Master of Arts and Cultural Management | |
高级文学硕士 | Executive Master of Arts | |
艺术策展 | Master of Art Curatorship | |
创意写作、出版与编辑 | Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing | |
犯罪学 | Master of Criminology | |
文物保护 | Master of Cultural Materials Conservation | |
发展研究 | Master of Development Studies | |
全球媒体传播 | Master of Global Media Communication | |
国际关系 | Master of International Relations | |
新闻学 | Master of Journalism | |
营销传播学 | Master of Marketing Communications | |
公共政策与管理 | Master of Public Policy and Management | |
出版与传播 | Master of Publishing and Communications | |
翻译学 | Master of Translation | |
生物医学 | Master of Biomedical Science | |
遗传咨询 | Master of Genetic Counselling | |
社会工作 | Master of Social Work | |
言语病理学 | Master of Speech Pathology | |
叙事疗法与社区工作 | Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work | |
生物统计学 | Master of Biostatistics | |
公共卫生 | Master of Public Health | |
流行病学 | Master of Science (Epidemiology) | |
心理学(临床神经心理学) | Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) | |
心理学(临床心理学) | Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) | |
教育心理学 | Master of Educational Psychology | |
生态系统管理与保护硕士 | Master of Ecosystem Management and Conservation | |
国际新闻学硕士 | Master of International Journalism | |
工业工程硕士 | Master of Industrial Engineering |