用户 Amelia 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Amelia avatar Amelia

Great thanks to Marco!

给顾问 Tre H 的评价:

Super satisfied! Very careful work from Tre. I love the way the language was improved.
Tre worked on my both RLs and differed them in styles. He was kind to give suggestions and answer my questions. Really appreciate that!
Good luck to you and me! ❤

Amelia avatar Amelia


给顾问 Skylar H 的评价:

Skylar helped construct the story in a logically consistent way, and build languages concise and fluent. She's able to accurately capture my idea and paraphrase it to the maximum where I failed to express.
Apart from this, she's super supportive, responsible, patient, and amazingly efficient. I really enjoy working with her and much appreciate that she helped me finalize my materials. 💛🧡🤍


给顾问 Vivian W 的评价:
