用户 Christy Yu 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Christy Yu avatar Christy Yu


给顾问 Natasha Pettit 的评价:

thank you very much! It was very clear and detailed!

Christy Yu avatar Christy Yu


给顾问 Natasha Pettit 的评价:

Thanks for editing!

Christy Yu avatar Christy Yu

用Mydocumate找了Natasha Pettit帮我改了几篇最终稿的语法和基本的语言,最主要的是把超出字数的文章在不改变意思的情况下缩短。Natasha Pettit改的非常细致,速度很快,也提出了一些不错的关于句间转折的建议。已经安利给了小伙伴们。

给顾问 Natasha Pettit 的评价:

I really appreciate Natasha's help with my essays! She helped me to edit 3 of my final drafts and gave me plenty of advice for sentence transactions and structures. She usually finish them in a short time (less than a day) with detailed comments and revision. I highly recommend Natasha.