用户 Olivia 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Olivia avatar Olivia


给顾问 Lynn C 的评价:

I like Lynn's help very much! She made great summaries, comments, and drafts. The outcome is so great, in a perfect structure and wording. Thanks very much indeed. Also, the service is very efficient, there is so much surprise.

Olivia avatar Olivia


给顾问 Lynn C 的评价:

I enjoyed the experience of working with Lynn. She is very responsible, and efficient and provides high-quality versions. The outcome fully presents me in a concentrated essay. Very satisfied!

  • Lynn C 回复 Olivia

    Thank you, Olivia. It was a pleasure working with you! I wish you the best of luck! : )


很好 微信回复非常及时

给顾问 Nickla A 的评价:

Nickla gives very high quality comments and service. The outcome is super great!Thanks Nickla!