用户 Lucy 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Lucy avatar Lucy


给顾问 Tre H 的评价:

Thanks a lot!you help me a lot

  • Tre Hunt 回复 Lucy

    It was great working with you Lucy! Thank you for the positive review :)

Lucy avatar Lucy


给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Adam is very kind, professional and helpful. He prepared our interview carefully and gave me much useful advice! He also answered my questions patiently after the interview. I appreciated it a lot! It is a wise choice to choose Adam! I did my interview with the professor today, and the questions were all the ones I had talked to Adam about. Thanks again!! Hope that I could get an offer!

  • Adam S 回复 Lucy

    Thank you for your kind comments, Jialu. I'm glad your interview went off without too many surprises, and I wish you the very best result!
    Warm regards,