用户 Olivia 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Olivia avatar Olivia

very clear and convenient

给顾问 Lynn C 的评价:

Lynn is so nice and patient, she revised my writing very seriously, made a lot of great changes. She is warm-heart and always communicated with me before revise my writing. Thank you so much! :D

  • Lynn C 回复 Olivia

    Thank you for the kind words, Olivia. I'm certain you'll have a successful marketing career! : )
    Best regards,

Olivia avatar Olivia


给顾问 Henry L 的评价:

Henry has excellent writing ability, making my SOP so different! And he is very gentle and nice, thank you very much!

Olivia avatar Olivia


给顾问 Lynn C 的评价:

I have worked with Lynn many times, and I am satified with all of her work! she did a lot of work for me, changing the structure, polishing words, even search every cites and many materials for me, thank you very much!

  • Lynn C 回复 Olivia

    Thank you for the kind words, Olivia! : )