用户 Yuan 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Yuan avatar Yuan


给顾问 Tanya V 的评价:

Thank you so much for your amazing patience, prompt response and a warm heart!
I really like working with Mrs. Tanya. The service is so professional and I have acquired many valuable suggestions. It is my fortune to have such an excellent advisor.
Also, if one's going to apply to programs in anthropology, please do not hesitate to consult Mrs. Tanya, her insight about this discipline will impress you.^o^

Yuan avatar Yuan


给顾问 Tanya V 的评价:

Thank you so much for your amazing patience, prompt response and a warm heart!
I really like working with Mrs. Tanya. The service is so professional and I have acquired many valuable suggestions. It is my fortune to have such an excellent advisor.
Also, if one's going to apply to programs in anthropology, please do not hesitate to consult Mrs. Tanya, her insight about this discipline will surprise you.^o^

Yuan avatar Yuan


给顾问 Tanya V 的评价:

I really like working with Mrs. Tanya. The service is so professional and I have acquired many valuable suggestions. It is my fortune to have such an excellent advisor.

  • Tanya V 回复 Yuan

    Dear Yuan,
    I also enjoyed working with you and gaining insights into the lives of nuns in Japan. You have so many great ideas and I hope you'll reach your goals and make academia, and this world, a better place :)

Yuan avatar Yuan


给顾问 Tanya V 的评价:

Great and prompt as usual!