用户 Nan 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Nan avatar Nan

Very convenient and user-friendly. I hope you have more customers and help more students to build a better future.

给顾问 Mario F 的评价:

Mario F is brilliant! He gave me feedback and advice in an efficient manner. And he integrated my Statement of Purpose with "why me" and "why you". Before I only focused on what I have done but ignored why I chose this university and this program. Mario helped me find more information about this program and get me well-prepared! His English writing is very natural without razzle-dazzle. (I just found this word from Google, if I'm wrong please forgive me) Thank him very much. I do recommend him to help other students to prepare the application process.

  • Mario F 回复 Nan

    Hi Nan, how are you? Thank you very much for hiring me! I appreciate your kind words and compliments. It was truly a pleasure working with you, and I wish you the very best of luck in the future!