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Chen avatar Chen


给顾问 Mario F 的评价:

I really appreciate Mario's help on my essay. He is really a patient and enthusiastic teacher to answer your any confused parts. At the same time, I believe the changed part can be regarded as an improvement on my initial essay work. Thanks a lot.

  • Mario F 回复 Chen

    Hi Chen,

    How are you doing? Thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate it. You are an exemplary client, and I thank you for your business! Good luck with your studies...

Chen avatar Chen


给顾问 Mario F 的评价:

Good Comments on my draft!!

Chen avatar Chen


给顾问 Mario F 的评价:

It was the third time to improve essay by Mario. Mario is really a nice teacher.

  • Mario F 回复 Chen

    Thank you very much, Chen!