用户 yiyz 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

yiyz avatar yiyz

NIce platform.

给顾问 Tanya V 的评价:

Great, I was very satisfied about her work.

yiyz avatar yiyz

Nice platform.

给顾问 Monica V 的评价:

Nice work, quiet satisfying.

  • Monica V 回复 yiyz

    Thank you, yiyz. It was a pleasure working with you! Sincerely, Monica V.

yiyz avatar yiyz

Nice platform.

给顾问 Allen G 的评价:

Nice work!

yiyz avatar yiyz


给顾问 Connor S 的评价:

Excellent job, far beyond my anticipation. After the modification, my document become smoother and more coherently.

My consultant gave me the feedback really quick: I got the feedback the next day I submitted.

  • Connor S 回复 yiyz

    Thanks for the feedback, Yiyz. It was a pleasure working with you. I wish you the best of luck!