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Yunni avatar Yunni

请完善一下chrome浏览器的适配 有时候会有点显示问题

  • 芝士圈留学 Marco 回复 Yunni


给顾问 Johnny D 的评价:

It was very helpful. Thanks!

Yunni avatar Yunni

我觉得即使是baseline edit 也应该增加一轮沟通。因为有的时候顾问对一些细节会有误解。有些表达改过之后并不是原本的意思了,所以是必要的,而且也只是对语言的沟通。

给顾问 Douglas S 的评价:

Thanks for your detailed review. They are very helpful. I really appreciate the extra comments you gave after the first draft. I know it's a lot and it's not included in the baseline service. So many thanks for them.

Yunni avatar Yunni


给顾问 Iracema D 的评价:

Thanks for your review. I think it's very helpful and I am very satisfied with the final version.