用户 Chenlu Yang 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价



给顾问 Dr. Zhou 的评价:

Very nice and helpful. Thanks for your advice. Awesome

Chenlu Yang avatar Chenlu Yang


给顾问 Henry L 的评价:

He is very professional

  • Henry L 回复 Chenlu Yang

    Thank you very much for your kind review! - very best of luck with your application!

Chenlu Yang avatar Chenlu Yang


给顾问 Johnny D 的评价:

His service attitude is really nice. He is really helpful to my statement of purpose. I would like to suggest those students who want to apply for Chemistry or Materials Science PhD Program, please appoint him as your mentor due to his professional academic background. Overall, I am delightful to work with him during my application.