用户 Rachel 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Rachel avatar Rachel


给顾问 Sarah N 的评价:

Sarah is really professional at proofreading and solves all the problems I came up with. And the feedbacks are always in time. This service helps me a lot.

Rachel avatar Rachel

Good platform. Patient officers.

给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Adam holds an extremely rigorous attitude towards his work. His advice really show his professional in document proofreading. The website links provided, career plan guidance, clear copy, quick reply etc, all these details impressed me as an excellent experience.

  • Adam S 回复 Rachel

    Thank you so much for your kind comments, Rachel. The work is easy since it's a pleasure to work with a client like you. Also, the rest of the team are kind and efficient - thank you for your comments about them too.
    All the best,