用户 Yue Yu 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Yue Yu avatar Yue Yu

非常好!我很喜欢能够及时通知顾问反馈和PS修改稿的邮件系统,整个流程都很顺畅。网站做的也很好,简洁大方,寻找服务方案和顾问时非常的方便,我的顾问Iracema也很靠谱,她的写作能力很棒,我们合作的很愉快。客服小伙伴们也都很好,有问题的时候会经常问你们的小笛 Nydia,还有那位“芝士圈留学 通讯员”,都得到了及时并有用的反馈。已经向很多同学安利过你们,也祝你们越做越好!

  • 芝士圈留学 Marco 回复 Yue Yu


给顾问 Iracema D 的评价:

Iracema is a pretty nice and hard work instructor! She is very patient and gave me satisfied answer to every questions. I like her strong writing logics, which gives me a very straight forward PS structure, also helps us to make some long paragraphs shorter but still express my meaning clearly. Her diligence and efficiency help us to complete this PS VIP Service of Economics quickly within 2 weeks, it's very important for me to submit the application before priority deadline. We are cooperating in my second PS Service of Operation Research program, I believe we will get a strong PS again!

Yue Yu avatar Yue Yu

第二篇文书啦,很满意,学校career center的tutor也说文法和逻辑都很好,虽然有一些不一样的意见,毕竟一千个观众有一千个哈姆雷特嘛。多谢啦,对芝士圈和工作人员的夸奖在上篇PS的评价中已经说过了,这里就不再重复啦,如果收到心仪的offer,会和小笛她们分享我的开心的。祝你们越做越好。

  • 芝士圈留学 Marco 回复 Yue Yu


给顾问 Iracema D 的评价:

I have completed the 2 personal statements with the help of Iracema, they all get the high recognition from the tutors of our career center and my professors.

I really appreciate her efforts, which encourage me continue my further work of application.

I hope Iracema will have more opportunities to support other people who need the help of personal statement.