Sorry for giving comments a little bit late. Sarah is a really responsible and excellent mentor and editor. She gave a outstanding revision and suggestions within such a short time! Thanks a lot!
Sorry for giving comments a little bit late. Sarah is a really responsible and excellent mentor and editor. She gave a outstanding revision and suggestions within such a short time! Thanks a lot!
学姐人非常好,讲解也很清晰!因为我在商科方面比较小白,学姐给出了一些可操作的总体性建议;针对我自己的一些问题,也非常细致地作出了解答,清晰了不少!(p.s. 感觉学姐是一个非常好的story teller,当时申请的essay非常impressive!)
学姐人非常好,讲解也很清晰!因为我在商科方面比较小白,学姐给出了一些可操作的总体性建议;针对我自己的一些问题,也非常细致地作出了解答,清晰了不少!(p.s. 感觉学姐是一个非常好的story teller,当时申请的essay非常impressive!)
Vivian学姐人非常好,思路也很清晰!不仅从全局的角度对各个学校的management专业做出了介绍,还针对我的实际情况和文书思路给出了很有建设性的意见。最后还给我的职业选择之类的给出了一些建议。Thanks a lot!
Vivian学姐人非常好,思路也很清晰!不仅从全局的角度对各个学校的management专业做出了介绍,还针对我的实际情况和文书思路给出了很有建设性的意见。最后还给我的职业选择之类的给出了一些建议。Thanks a lot!
Sorry for giving comments a little bit late. Sarah is a really responsible and excellent mentor and editor. She gave a outstanding revision and suggestions within such a short time! Thanks a lot!
Sorry for giving comments a little bit late. Sarah is a really responsible and excellent mentor and editor. She gave a outstanding revision and suggestions within such a short time! Thanks a lot!
因为申IMC是临时起意,处于非常赶时间的状态。但没想到学姐很快就接手了咨询,并且对PS和CV都给出了非常具体实用的意见,超级赞!Thanks a lot!
因为申IMC是临时起意,处于非常赶时间的状态。但没想到学姐很快就接手了咨询,并且对PS和CV都给出了非常具体实用的意见,超级赞!Thanks a lot!