用户 Kaya 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Kaya avatar Kaya


给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Hi Adam,

Sorry for this late reply. I'm really grateful for your support in my application. Thank you for all the detailed feedback, and for providing me with multiple sources of information. And I started to receive offers from Nov 2022!

Thank you for you time and contribution.

Best wishes and happy new year!


  • Adam S 回复 Kaya

    Thank you so much for your kind comments, Kaya. Congratulations on receiving your offers: I hope you have some great universities and programmes to choose from, and that you enjoy your studies immensely.
    Happy new year, and all the very best,

Kaya avatar Kaya


给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Adam is very detail-oriented and professional. I'm grateful for his support to my application.

  • Adam S 回复 Kaya

    Thank you so much for your kind comments, Kaya. Congratulations on receiving your offers: I hope you have some great universities and programmes to choose from, and that you enjoy your studies immensely.
    Happy new year, and all the very best,