Sarah is fantastic. Sarah' sentences are so powerful and incisive. The more I read the revised essay, the more satisfied I am. Sarah also answered my questions after the revision. Thanks again!
Thanks for your excellent service. I would like to say that ZhishiQ is a considerate friend, professional tutor and powerful backing in my application journey. With the help of ZhishiQ and some great tutors such as Stevon, I have finished my application successfully. Word cannot express my gratitude. I can only give my best wishes to ZhishiQ and the lovely tutors. I wish more and more Chinese students like me can attend their dream schools with the help of ZhishiQ.
Stevon really helped me a lot! Sorry I come back late. I have finished my video essay and I think my answer is excellent. I attribute my satisfactory performance in the video assay to Stevon. Thank you for making my answer so fluent and coherent.我的这篇修改应该算是非常规的吧,是video essay的回答稿,所以我希望能按照口语的标准来修改。Stevon 真的非常认真负责,他把不符合口语习惯语句,过长的句子都修改的非常完美,符合正式口头语的要求。有类似需求的同学墙裂推荐Stevon!不管是书面语的文书,还是口语的回答稿,Stevon都是最好的选择!
Thanks very much!! You are always so nice and professional! I have got an interview invitation from BARC. I will try my best to prepare for the interview. Looking forward to work with you again.
Stevon is very professional. I would like to choose Stevon and ZhishiQ again in the future.
Stevon is really professional! He revised many improper words and sentences. My essay is much better now. Thank you very much!
I am very satisfied. I will choose ZhishiQ and Adam again in the future.
Adam is very professional. I am very satisfied with the edited essay. I will recommend Adam to my friends. Thank you very much~
I am very satisfied with this revision process
Adam is very professional! He gave me many useful suggestions on my Resume. Thanks a lot!
I am very satisfied with this revision process.
Sam is great! With the help of Sam, my essay is now more coherent, succinct and fluent! Thanks
I am very satisfied with this revision process
Very helpful!
I am very satisfied with Sarah's revision.
Sarah is fantastic. Sarah' sentences are so powerful and incisive. The more I read the revised essay, the more satisfied I am. Sarah also answered my questions after the revision. Thanks again!
Thanks for your excellent service. I would like to say that ZhishiQ is a considerate friend, professional tutor and powerful backing in my application journey. With the help of ZhishiQ and some great tutors such as Stevon, I have finished my application successfully. Word cannot express my gratitude. I can only give my best wishes to ZhishiQ and the lovely tutors. I wish more and more Chinese students like me can attend their dream schools with the help of ZhishiQ.
Stevon really helped me a lot! Sorry I come back late. I have finished my video essay and I think my answer is excellent. I attribute my satisfactory performance in the video assay to Stevon. Thank you for making my answer so fluent and coherent.我的这篇修改应该算是非常规的吧,是video essay的回答稿,所以我希望能按照口语的标准来修改。Stevon 真的非常认真负责,他把不符合口语习惯语句,过长的句子都修改的非常完美,符合正式口头语的要求。有类似需求的同学墙裂推荐Stevon!不管是书面语的文书,还是口语的回答稿,Stevon都是最好的选择!
Very helpful. Thank you!
Very helpful. Thank you!
体验很棒,从来没有失望过,感谢 芝士圈一直以来的完美服务
感谢小伙伴一直以来的支持~ 小伙伴的信赖让我们不断前进!
Thanks very much!! You are always so nice and professional! I have got an interview invitation from BARC. I will try my best to prepare for the interview. Looking forward to work with you again.
Great news, Carol! I wish you the best, and thank you for the compliment. Perhaps we can work together in the future.