用户 Qianyi 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Qianyi avatar Qianyi

Very useful suggestions about my PS!

给顾问 Jakob T 的评价:

Very useful suggestions about my PS!

Qianyi avatar Qianyi

Completed editing quickly, and decent improvement on the letter!

给顾问 Ryan Pope 的评价:

Completed editing quickly, and decent improvement on the letter!

Qianyi avatar Qianyi

Completed editing quickly, and decent improvement on the letter!

给顾问 Ryan Pope 的评价:

Completed editing quickly, and decent improvement on the letter!

Qianyi avatar Qianyi

Signifcant improvement on my personal statement as expected. But I have to mention that during application season, time cannot be guaranteed.

给顾问 James Tischler 的评价:

He gave me many useful and detailed suggestions about writing my personal statement. The revised essay is quite satisfactory.

Qianyi avatar Qianyi

Outstanding serivce!

给顾问 Nathalie Mumaw 的评价:

Far above my expectations! One page of detailed comments, careful editing in each paragraph, and various useful suggestions.