用户 Wenxing 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价



给顾问 Stevon G 的评价:

I really love your clear and concise language style, which may help me cover sufficient information in a limited space.

  • Wenxing 回复 Wenxing

    Oh, I have created another order to search for your further help. Haha...Thanks for your help. Wenxing

  • Stevon G 回复 Wenxing

    Thank you for the compliment. Let me know if I can assist you further, and please inform your associates of the quality service we provide here at ZHISHIQ. Best wishes!

Wenxing avatar Wenxing


给顾问 Nicole Xiong 的评价:


Wenxing avatar Wenxing


给顾问 Stevon G 的评价:

Commendably, Stevon is an excellent editor and advisor. He deserves it.I really enjoy his guidance and advise. All the best.