Hi Molly,
我是 zhishiQ 开发组成员 Bill,这个说起来挺抱歉的,钱款无法查询是因为昨天上线新功能时候,收支明细页面出了点问题,所以暂时去掉了这个页面的入口,导致看不到收支明细。我们在这里向您道歉,现在收支明细的页面已经恢复了。
The editing was finished extremely quickly. The article eidted appears very professional and smooth.
Melissa is so nice a person! She has made a very professional polishment and provided very helpful advice! I sincerely appreciate her help!
Hi Molly,
我是 zhishiQ 开发组成员 Bill,这个说起来挺抱歉的,钱款无法查询是因为昨天上线新功能时候,收支明细页面出了点问题,所以暂时去掉了这个页面的入口,导致看不到收支明细。我们在这里向您道歉,现在收支明细的页面已经恢复了。
The editing was finished extremely quickly. The article eidted appears very professional and smooth.
Melissa is so nice a person! She has made a very professional polishment and provided very helpful advice! I sincerely appreciate her help!
Melissa is so nice a person! She has made a very professional polishment and provided very helpful advice! I sincerely appreciate her help!