Sam has provided several helpful advices on my PS, which requires detailed and professional work. I think Sam did a wonderful job on helping organize the outline and perfecting my work. It's very lucky to have Sam's help through my whole application.
Sam is very professional and has offered several useful advices on my CV. Thanks a lot!
Sam is very professional and has offered several useful advices on my CV.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks, Yanyu! You're a pleasure to be working with. :)
非常感谢你的反馈,关于这个问题已经与你电话沟通,考虑到中外时差、实时沟通对文书修改效率的影响等,网站暂不考虑上线对顾问的实时交流工具。如 后续使用我们的服务中遇到问题,欢迎随时联系我们。
Sam has provided several helpful advices on my PS, which requires detailed and professional work. I think Sam did a wonderful job on helping organize the outline and perfecting my work. It's very lucky to have Sam's help through my whole application.