用户 rachelzhy 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

rachelzhy avatar rachelzhy

Improve a lot!!

给顾问 Sarah N 的评价:

Very nice, and has a strong writing skills to help me reconstruct my RL. Thank you!

rachelzhy avatar rachelzhy

So great that she improved a lot on my work!!!

给顾问 Ashley B 的评价:

Super nice. Very detail-oriented and professional. Give me much useful advice and make my essay perfect.

rachelzhy avatar rachelzhy

Maybe I just need to buy L1 service cause I already got a well-content RL from my boss that only need someone who polish the wording.

给顾问 Jeffrey N 的评价:

This is not his fault cause actullay I don't want to make lots changes on my RL.