Thank you so much for making my recommendation letter more coherent and smooth! I would definitely recommend you to my friends!
Henry knows how to make words more persuasive and powerful. He pays attention to details and makes the document very smooth. He also works with high efficiency. I strongly recommend Henry to anyone else who feel their documents need one final "magic touch".
I've worked with Elizabeth for three times, and I am truly pleased with every essay that she has worked on. She can always give you fresh perspectives and brilliant advice!
I've worked with Elizabeth for three times, and I am truly pleased with every essay that Elizabeth has worked on. She can always give you fresh perspectives and brilliant advice!
Thank you so much, Tanya!You are so kind and patient! Even though my service had been delayed due to my exam for a few days, you were always waiting for me and blessed to my examination,. I really appreciate that!
Many words can be used to praise you, and in conclusion, it's SUPER GOOD!
Thank you so much for your work! You pointed out the weakness in the statement and guided me through the whole process with great patience. I will definitely recommend you to my friends!
Jakob brought my personal statement to a new level. He really paid attention to details and made precise comments and helped me to make it more persuasive, coherent and smooth. I strongly recommend Jakob to whoever wish to make their documents as good as possible.
impressive work
Thank you for helping me with my cv!
impressive work
critical and impressive advice
Whisker Zhao顾问非常专业也非常耐心,因为一直在新加坡的缘故,他对新加坡大学都非常了解。让我提前准备了我的基本信息和我所有的问题,他先提前都熟悉了我的问题之后给我讲解的特别专业和顺畅。我是DIY的,有些细节不太确认有点慌,Whisker Zhao顾问很耐心的给我讲清楚,虽然和他不是一个系的,他也帮忙问了他的朋友们,仔细了解了我的院系。很棒很棒。我申请18fall,ddl是11.15,所以最近很忙很慌,不停的麻烦他给他留言,他也都很耐心的回复了我,网申的每个细节都很清楚,有些我说,差不多就算了的问题,他也很详细的给我讲清楚啦。赞!极力推荐!
Really appreciate your professional and decent work. It's struggling to add content as your suggestions indicate, but the final version makes me feel like all efforts are worthwhile.
Dr Duncan is SO professional, responsible and patient! He could get all my points and provide really reasonable and useful suggestions. He not only polishes my words to ensure them correct and fluent, but also enhances my logic and structure. He makes my work stronger and more convincing. Plus he always responses to me quickly and efficiently. Thanks a lot!
Very nice service. I am really impressed. The processes are very reasonable and efficient. And my advisor is very professional and patient. ZhishiQ helps me a lot. Thank you.
Excellent! He is very careful and comprehensive. Thanks a lot!