Your suggestions are all very nice and friendly, they helped me a lot. And you always answer me very soon.
As a editor, you write concisely, logically and beautifully. I feel very lucky to work with you.
The editor is very nice and it's really a good place looking for help on writing essays.
Adam gave me many useful advices. Also, he has perfect writing and professionalism. Thanks Adam a lot!
顾问挺棒的 但是双方之间的交流应该更有效一点 交流工作不太好
Dear Qiuni,
非常抱歉我们的服务给您带来了不便, 关于交流方面您觉得我们还需要做出什么改进呢?感谢您的建议并且期待您的回复。
MyDocumate Product Team