Very good edition on the original paper!
Very good tutor! In addition to the great edition, he also gave me detailed and useful advice!
Very good edition on the original paper!
Very good tutor! In addition to the great edition, he also gave me detailed and useful advice!
Draij593 太棒了,太称职,以后还找他!Excellent!!
The tutor is very patient and considerate. Based on university's requirement and my message, the tutor gave me dreat-detailed and high quality editing, which greatly improved my accuracy, logic, sentence structure and grammar in PS. Though little misunderstanding existed, I'm still very satisfied with the polishing. Thank you so much!
Great work! Thanks for your kind advice!
Great Job!
姐姐人超级好,声音很好听,而且分享了很多自己的经验,我问的问题特别多但都一一细心的帮我回答了,现在自信心大涨,谢谢姐姐!Soooooo nice!
Good job! More than I expect!
Good job! More than I expect!
The editor definitely did a wonderful job. Not only did the editor polish the language and some of the structures, but also kindly answer my questions. I'm impressed by the service spirit that the editor directly contacted me to accelerate the revision process. I hope you may have chance to read this review cause you really helped a lot. Thank you so much.
excellent ! Thanks a lot!
She has done a really good job for my PS. 速度也很快,点个大赞!!
Very professional and helpful!
Very professional and helpful!