she is very patient and considerate. her edit is very thorough and fits my writing style.
Diane is really helping me a lot amending my academic reference letter which is really a challenging task. She is professional and she gave very helpful advice. I appreciate a lot for her efforts.
Being modified by David, my SOP improved a lot, which really makes me satisfied. Although I rewrite a lot of paragraphs later on due to my first draft did not stress what i really want to convey, David's polish really give me much reference when I rewrite my SOP. Again, thanks.
good job!
Luna人非常nice,也很有耐心!在华威和帝国理工的文书写作以及申请方面给了我很多非常有价值的建议,让我在PS的写作上受到了很大的启发!!因为有在这两所学校就读的经历,她的意见十分具有参考性。 她在其他项目的选择上也给了很多分析。非常谢谢Luna~
Super professional! Highly recommend!
好用 方便 专业
Adam is so kind that he helps me modify my statements again and again and never fails my expectation. Thanks a lot!
Very nice work! Since Dr.Owen has a doctoral degree in psychology, her suggestions were very professional and her remarks were to the point. She appraised my PS from different perspectives, such as word choices, sentence fluency, organization, and content. Thank you Dr. Owen.
Thank you!
Elizabeth Li has been very patient and has outstanding revise skills! I fell more than satisfied!
Elizabeth Li has been very patient and has outstanding revise skills! I fell more than satisfied!
Thanks for your editing. That's a good job.
good job.