另外一个例子更加个人化,我很难形容我看到“foreigner”或者“foreign”时的感受。如果有人写到“Mr. Smith is a foreigner.”,我就是想把这句话改成“Mr. Smith is from overseas.”。如果有人写的是“Xanadu is foreign.”,我就会改成“Xanadu is overseas.”。很荒唐吧!
例如,有一年,我无数次地看到这种描述“管理”的方式——“当我作为一个领导者,为团队成员分配角色时,我会考虑到他们的优势和能力……”(“In my leadership role, I took into account my team member’s strengths and abilities when I assigned them their roles...”)
由文化差异导致的误解也出现在其他地方。尽管全球华人群体规模庞大,中国海外工作学习以及度假的人数也在增加,但在大多数以英语为母语的人的眼中,中国依然是一个很神秘的地方,大家还是对他们充满好奇心。我们不断地告知中国的崛起和进步,但是很少有人清楚地知道,中国人的普通生活是什么样的(我曾经在中国生活和旅游过一段时间,我认为中国“和其他地方很像”)。招生官在审阅个别学生的文书材料能“看出”中国学生是如何思考的,可是这些“看出”里或许掺杂着确认偏见。我自己也在不断学习和了解中国,在中国的生活和与朋友们的接触中,我在慢慢了解中国人的看待事情的方法,在这过程中,我确定我会经常闹出笑话。哈,“putting my foot in it(闹笑话)”要怎么翻译?(是不是翻译成了“把脚放进里面”)——摆脱固有的思维模式——是学习任何语言的一个棘手的领域。
如果我们要描写一个专业术语,比如。写团队合作或者交流技能,我们需要确保自己有可以证明这个内容的例子。千万不要盲目地写一句I am really good in teamwork. 我们需要写出:当我在Bloomberg做实习的时候,在Bloomberg的销售系统中,我负责与成千上万的客户交流,向他们介绍新产品……只有这样才能显示出你的技能,提供出那些可以把你的品质、性格应用于实践的经历。同时,当你选定好一个好的经历后,还要问你自己这个经历是否与项目要求的技能相匹配,是否需要重新经历?这些经历是否可以很自然地传达给读者,让读者容易理解?
My intern experience as a teaching assistant in XXX provided me a precious opportunity to explore my never-ending passion for education. By learning about different pedagogical techniques, I hope to transform the way education is provided in remote rural areas.
I taught a class of 64 children. They were different ages. One boy said he was ten but he looked too tiny. Others were in their late teens. They looked different to the classes I'd taught back home, but what struck me most was how they moved, the lack of energy. No-one misbehaved. By the end of the day, I had memorized each of their names.
Growing up in the shadow of a coal-fired power plant, my childhood was marked by a chimney belching dark smoke. Many people contracted lung diseases and it was this early, unsettling exposure to ... [An applicant for masters in area of biological sciences]
I looked up, nose to nose with Ms. Smith. I couldn’t believe she was talking to me. Reluctantly, I stood up, unable to fathom why my favorite teacher would ever punish me.
I will be a success at your school and beyond because...
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