学制1年,学费48000新币年,1月或8月开学,雅思6,托福90,GMAT 650,GRE 320
课程名 | 英文名 | |
1 | 软件工程形式方法 | Formal Methods for Software Engineering |
2 | 编译器设计 | Compiler Design |
3 | 分布式数据库 | Distributed Databases |
4 | 计算机视觉和模式识别 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
5 | 程序分析原理 | Principles of Program Analysis |
6 | 高级计算机系统结构 | Advanced Computer Architecture |
7 | 分布式系统 | Distributed Systems |
8 | 知识发现与数据挖掘 | Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining |
9 | 高级计算机网络 | Advanced Computer Networks |
10 | 计算复杂度 | Computational Complexity |
11 | 系统安全 | Systems Security |
12 | 形式规范和设计技术 | Formal Specification and Design Techniques |
13 | 仿真和建模技术 | Simulation and Modelling Techniques |
14 | 组合算法和图算法 | Combinatorial and Graph Algorithms |
15 | 多媒体理论基础 | Theoretical Foundations in Multimedia |
16 | 密码学理论与实践 | Cryptography Theory and Practice |
17 | 信息安全管理 | Information Security Management |
18 | 信息安全管理专题研究 | Topics in Information Security Management |
19 | 计算机安全实践 | Computer Security Practice |
20 | 软件安全 | Software Security |
21 | 程序分析原理 | Principles of Program Analysis |
22 | 自动化软件验证 | Automated Software Validation |
23 | 系统安全 | Systems Security |
24 | 信息安全策略 | Information Security Policies |
25 | 信息技术外包 | Information Technology Outsourcing |
26 | 网络安全与管理 | Network Security and Management |
27 | 网络安全 | Web Security |
28 | 信息安全专题研究 | Topics in Information Security |
29 | 系统安全专题研究 | Topics in System Security |
30 | 软件项目管理 | Software Project Management |
31 | 信息系统集成与商业 | Integration of IS and Business |
32 | 电信与国际网络 | Telecoms and International Network |
33 | IT行业企业家精神 | IT Entrepreneurship |
34 | 电子政务 | Electronic Government |
35 | 信息技术政策 | IT Policies |
36 | 商业分析实践操作 | Hands-on with Business Analytics |
37 | 新媒体使用与管理 | Managing and Using New Media |
38 | 信息技术创新组织 | Organizing for IT Innovation |
39 | 信息系统专题研究I | Topics in Information Systems I |