Jiao M

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文书顾问简要 简介

I received my B.Sc. degree from the University of Washington in 2011 with honors in Chemistry and Biochemistry (Cum Laude), and received my Ph.D. degree from Harvard University in Chemical Biology. My current research focuses on elucidating unknown portions of the human proteome by utilizing mass spectrometry, next generation sequencing, as well as a wide variety of molecular biology techniques.
I received my B.Sc. degree from the University of Washington in 2011 with honors in Chemistry and Biochemistry (Cum Laude), and received my Ph.D. degree from Harvard University in Chemical Biology. My current research focuses on elucidating unknown portions of the human proteome by utilizing mass spectrometry, next generation sequencing, as well as a wide variety of molecular biology techniques.

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I’m originally from Shanghai, China, later moved to Tokyo, Japan and lived there for 14 years until I relocated to Seattle for my undergraduate studies. As a Chinese citizen living abroad for many years, I understand the concerns that the Chinese students may have in both academic and cultural aspects. I hope to provide practical advice to make their transition as smooth as possible. With my own experience in applying and being admitted to several graduate programs in the U.S, (at Harvard, Cal Tech, UCLA, University of Washington, etc), I can effectively assist students with the application process, especially those who are pursuing an academic career in science. Finally, with my extensive teaching experience in both classroom setting and one-on-one tutoring, I’m skilled to lead group discussions as well as carry out conversation based on individual needs. More importantly, through interacting with students from different countries over the years, I've developed keen ear for the way non-native English speakers express themselves. I can quickly understand what they are trying to convey and anticipate their needs. This would allow me to adequately guide the conversation and assist in constructing ideas that best suit each person's case.


I’m originally from Shanghai, China, later moved to Tokyo, Japan and lived there for 14 years until I relocated to Seattle for my undergraduate studies. As a Chinese citizen living abroad for many years, I understand the concerns that the Chinese students may have in both academic and cultural aspects. I hope to provide practical advice to make their transition as smooth as possible. With my own experience in applying and being admitted to several graduate programs in the U.S, (at Harvard, Cal Tech, UCLA, University of Washington, etc), I can effectively assist students with the application process, especially those who are pursuing an academic career in science. Finally, with my extensive teaching experience in both classroom setting and one-on-one tutoring, I’m skilled to lead group discussions as well as carry out conversation based on individual needs. More importantly, through interacting with students from different countries over the years, I've developed keen ear for the way non-native English speakers express themselves. I can quickly understand what they are trying to convey and anticipate their needs. This would allow me to adequately guide the conversation and assist in constructing ideas that best suit each person's case.




Harvard University

PH.D Chemical Biology

University of Washington

Chemistry and Biochemistry


Teaching Fellow

Harvard University

Teaching Assistant

University of Washington

Math Tutor

University of Washington

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 15 金融学
  • 5 地球科学/大气学
  • 4 人力资源管理
  • 2 工商管理/MBA
  • 2 医学
  • 2 机械工程
  • 2 公共关系&沟通
  • 2 申请规划
  • 2 经济学
  • 2
  • 1 国外实习/工作
  • 1 法学大类
  • 1 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 1 农业科学、工程
  • 1 艺术学
  • 1 市场营销学
  • 1 加拿大实习及志愿者机会(校内/校外)
  • 1 统计科学
  • 1 计算机科学/工程
  • 1 科研及个人网站指导
  • 1 环境工程
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量12 人评价
  • valenzhang
    valenzhang Nov 30, 2014
    外籍模拟面试服务 工商管理/MBA

    Thanks for the impressive mock interview! Jiao is so nice!

  • Shelley
    Shelley Oct 30, 2014
    硕士文书服务 Essay VIP服务 金融学

    One of the best editors. 能写出深刻思想、优美句式,还能给予人生启迪。写作速度也非常快。谢谢Jiao!

  • zwchou
    zwchou Oct 28, 2014
    硕士文书服务 RL 语言润色 医学

    Miss Ma revised my RL very meticulous, I really appreciate it!! Thanks!!

  • xinbuzaiyan
    xinbuzaiyan Oct 25, 2014
    外籍模拟面试服务 工商管理/MBA

    Hi Jiao, Thanks for you help. I feel more confident about the interview.

  • Yawen Li
    Yawen Li Oct 24, 2014
    外籍模拟面试服务 法学大类

    Jiao was very professional and friendly, always prompt in her reply during our preliminary communication. In the mock interview, Jiao offered keen insight into the interview process, asked pertinent questions and provided useful advice. I would definitely recommend her service to others.


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