Laura T

English Language Teacher

  • 文书导师
  • 文书修改套餐导师
  • 博士服务
  • 平均评分
    5 / 5
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* 来源于网站真实服务数据

文书顾问简要 简介

Hello! My name is Laura and I am a native speaker of English from Canada. I have been working in the ESL industry for the last 10 years and would love to put my skills to work for you. Throughout my career as a teacher I have helped many students to improve their writing and find their true voice. My expertise is focused in not only editing and polishing writing but also cultivating the skills to become an expert for the future. Coming from a creative background, I excel thinking outside of the box and will make sure that your application stands out against the rest. Travelling and experiencing other cultures has been the true highlight of my life and I would love to help you get your new adventure started!

你好! 我是Laura,我的母语是英语,来自加拿大。 在过去的 10 年里,我一直在 ESL 行业工作,并且很乐意将我的技能为您服务。 在我作为教师的整个职业生涯中,我帮助许多学生提高了写作水平并找到了自己的真实声音。 我的专长不仅集中在编辑和润色写作上,而且还专注于培养成为未来专家的技能。 拥有着创意背景,我擅长跳出框框思考,并确保您的申请在其他申请者中脱颖而出。 旅行和体验其他文化一直是我生命中真正的亮点,我很乐意帮助您开始新的冒险!

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I was born on the east cost of Canada where I grew up amongst the trees and the ocean. From an early age I absolutely loved literature and reading. I think this was the earliest driver of my adventurous spirit. I have a bachelors degree in Fine Arts which has provided me with the ability to think from different perspectives and understand the ways in which one needs to be able to market themselves for success. Creating has always been an important aspect of my life and I love to let my creativity shine. 

As soon as I was able, I found a job teaching children in South Korea and I have never looked back! Since that day I have continued to travel and teach all over the word. I have had the privilege of experiencing many, vastly different cultures all of which have informed and changed the way I see this world of ours. Today I am based in the beautiful city of Istanbul where I get to experience outstanding and rich history every day.

Over my career I have worked in different countries, with many different kinds of students in all sorts of settings. I have always enjoyed watching my students grow as English learners and providing them with direction and feedback to help them enhance their skills. Helping people to realize their dreams is the best part of the job! I am really looking forward to helping you reach your goals for the future and I'm excited to see how far you can go. 








Memorial University of Newfoundland

Bachelor Fine Arts


English Teacher

Ide Okullari

Teaching literature and grammar to grades six and seven with a focus in developing vocabulary, reading and critical thinking skills. Lead initiative to create school library including the creating of databases, lending management systems and programming development.

English Teacher

Erkan Ulu Okullari

Teaching literature to mixed ability grade five to grade seven students. Classes focused on reading comprehension skills, critical thinking skills, vocabulary and speaking. Lead initiative to create school library including the creating of databases, lending management systems and programming development.

English Teacher

Fatih Koleji

Teaching mixed ability grade four to grade seven students. Classes centred on speaking and reading comprehension skills both in the classroom and a one on one setting. Emphasis on language exposure and cultural bridge building.

English Teacher

World Teach

Teaching all subjects to combined seventh and eighth grade class. Emphasis placed on community immersion, cultural awareness, flexibility and creative thinking in a low resource setting.

English Teacher

Lits & Gauss

Teaching speaking, writing and grammar skills to students ranging from kindergarten to grade eight. Focus on teaching in an urban setting while demonstrating energy, vision and creativity.

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 24 金融学
  • 19 能源工程
  • 19 市场营销学
  • 15 文学
  • 10 统计科学
  • 8 商业分析
  • 5 环境、景观(园林)设计
  • 5 传媒与新闻学
  • 4 公共关系&沟通
  • 2 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 2 电影、电视
  • 2 生物化学
  • 2 建筑学
  • 2 旅游和酒店管理
  • 2 教育学
  • 2 机械工程
  • 2 工商管理/MBA
  • 2 法律学
  • 1 经济学
  • 1 材料科学/工程
  • 1 不确定
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量17 人评价
  • Hazel
    Hazel Nov 12, 2022
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 会计、审计、金融管理

    very nice!!love u

  • 182****0866
    182****0866 Jan 9, 2022
    硕士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改


  • 188****9372
    188****9372 Dec 28, 2021
    英文简历修改服务 深度修改 计算机科学/工程

    Very nice and professional. Highly recommended!

  • 188****9372
    188****9372 Dec 28, 2021
    硕士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 计算机科学/工程

    Laura is very professional and I am very satisfied with the final iteration.

  • Jiayi
    Jiayi Dec 26, 2021
    硕士/博士文书套餐 项目套餐 VIP服务 市场营销学

    Thank you for being responsible for my application, Laura. You are the best consultant!

  • Jiayi
    Jiayi Dec 26, 2021
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 市场营销学

    Laura is an excellent teacher, and her revised articles are perfect. She is very patient, and always encourages me, and responds very promptly! I recommend her to you 100%!

  • Li
    Li Dec 1, 2021
    硕士文书服务 Others 深度修改 机械工程


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