Harvard University
PH.D History of American Civilization
Trinity University
Master History
Trinity University
Bachelor History
Reviews Editor
Trinity University
Faculty Appointments at Trinity University in English, History, and First-Year Experience
Danforth Teaching Fellow
Harvard University
- 博士
- 硕士
- 本科
- 其他
49 商业分析
41 金融学
33 计算机科学/工程
32 国际关系
31 经济学
24 统计科学
23 市场营销学
20 会计、审计、金融管理
20 法律学
17 政治学
17 电子工程
17 数据科学
14 艺术学
13 教育学
11 金融工程
11 传媒与新闻学
11 机械工程
8 医学
6 人力资源管理
6 战略管理学
6 公共政策分析学
SQ Nov 4, 2021
博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 人力资源管理
Hi James,
Thank you very much for your feedback and revision! After your first revision, I started to have a better sense of what is needed to write a good statement. Your feedback inspired me to take more serious consideration into my experiences and why I want to do a PhD. Your second revision also identified the areas where I needed the most guidance. I really benefited tremendously from your feedback! Thank you very much for your time and effort! I will keep you updated once I get good news!
Shanshan Jan 30, 2021
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 法律学
James is a great advisor. Very patient and professional. He offered me very helpful suggestions. It was a pleasant experience to work with him.
becca酱 Jan 11, 2021
硕士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 其它医学相关专业
I really like the final polished version of the CV. Thank you James!
Grace Dec 20, 2020
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 传媒与新闻学
Jame is so nice!! He gave me professional suggestions. I am satisfied with the final version!!!
Jian Sun Nov 28, 2020
推荐信修改服务 深度修改 心理学
Thanks! James. My professor is very satisfied with this RL and decides to directly use it.