Western Connecticut University
PH.D Education
Sacred Heart University
Master Education
Sacred Heart University
Master Education
Adjunct Instructor of Literacy
Sacred Heart Univeristy
Taught a wide range of courses, each with the aim of examining best practices in literacy instruction.
- 硕士
- 本科
- 其他
91 教育学
52 金融学
34 会计、审计、金融管理
22 计算机科学/工程
17 工商管理/MBA
14 机械工程
10 金融工程
10 建筑学
9 工业工程、运筹学
9 语言学
9 传媒与新闻学
7 电影、电视
7 艺术学
6 城市规划
5 市场营销学
4 战略管理学
4 土木工程
3 心理学
3 法律学
3 统计科学
3 英语
梅*噢 Nov 22, 2015
硕士文书服务 Recommendation Letter VIP服务 金融学
TJL has helped me a lot about my documents, and he is very professional. Very glad to cooprate with him!
梅*噢 Nov 22, 2015
硕士文书服务 CV VIP服务 金融学
TJL has helped me a lot about my documents, and he is very professional. Very glad to cooprate with him!
梅*噢 Nov 22, 2015
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement VIP服务 金融学
TJL has helped me a lot about my documents, and he is very professional. Very glad to cooprate with him!
Mingda Xiong Nov 21, 2015
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 运筹学、供应链管理、物流管理
Really a good edit. Accomplish the task quickly with a good quality.
Tingyu Li Nov 17, 2015
硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 土木工程
I am quite satisfied with your work even though some misundestanding exists in the professional part! Thank you very much!
Yinlin Nov 17, 2015
硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 教育学
Thank you for your efforts! I am really satidfied with my PS. It's been a pleasure to talk and work with you. Best wishes : )
kookie Nov 16, 2015
硕士文书服务 Essay 深度修改 金融学
TJ is a responsible and professional editor. I strongly recommend him.