Nicole H

Program Manager

  • 文书导师
  • 文书修改套餐导师
  • 博士服务
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    4.95 / 5
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* 来源于网站真实服务数据

文书顾问简要 简介

I am an educational professional, translator, and author who has seen academia from all sides. I understand how stressful the application process can be, so I enjoy sharing expertise as well as encouragement with my clients.Although my background is in the humanities, the majority of my clients on so far have been in the field of finance, with a significant number in architecture, urban planning, and computer science as well. I love to research new topics, so I welcome the opportunity to collaborate with clients in all academic disciplines.I am a native speaker of American English, but I am well-versed in the written conventions of British English as well. I keep up to date with the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, and I believe in the serial comma.

我是一个教育工作者,翻译以及作家。我深刻的了解申请的过程中你会面临的巨大压力,所以我希望发挥我的专长从而帮助激励我的客户。 虽然我的专业背景是社科人文, 但是觉得部分我帮助的客户的专业背景是金融,以及建筑, 城市规划还有计算机科学。 我喜欢研究新的领域, 所以我珍惜和不同学术领域的客户的合作机会。对于美式英语和英式英语我都可以处理。  同时我也在时刻关注学术写作界的最新动态, 比如芝加哥写作方式。 

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I am a graduate of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages & Literature with a focus on Russian language. Additionally, I have completed 60 credits of graduate education at Harvard University, and plan to write my thesis and finish my degree this year. In my professional life, I have worked as an administrator in the admissions office at the University of Michigan Medical School, at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, and at the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies at UMich. I have read and evaluated thousands of applications for graduate and professional school admission, as well as scholarships and fellowships (including post-doctoral residencies). My job duties have also included evaluating job applicants and conducting interviews for university employment. All of those experiences equip me to help my clients prepare for success in the academic world.

During my undergraduate studies, I completed a certificate course for teaching ESL/TESOL, and began my tutoring career with three students: one native Spanish speaker and two Punjabi speakers. When I moved to Massachusetts, I began using my Russian language skills to tutor native Russian and Armenian speakers in English. Since then, I have expanded my purview to include English language arts and writing skills. My past clients have ranged from middle and high school students seeking help with reading assignments to PhD candidates struggling with literature reviews and dissertation chapters. I love helping a student produce a completed project, with all of the sense of accomplishment that entails. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, sewing, hiking, photography, and travel.

我在密歇根安娜堡完成了斯拉夫语言&文学的本科学习,我的细分方向是俄语研究。除此之外, 我今年也即将完成我在哈佛大学的学习。 在我的职业生涯中,我曾经在密歇根大学医学院招生办以及哈佛大学俄罗斯欧洲研究学院招生办工作过。 我曾经阅读过数以千计的申请文书,以及奖学金研究基金的申请文书。我同时负责校园招聘的相关工作。这些宝贵的经历让我可以帮助你在学术界取得成功。 

在本科的时候,我获得了对外英语的教学资格证同时开始了我的教育生涯:我的学生的母语是西班牙语和蒲佳旁语。后来我搬到了马塞诸塞州, 我开始使用我的俄语技能教授学生来自俄罗斯和亚美尼亚。 从那之后,我就把英文语言教学以及写作纳入了我的专业范围。 我过去的客户范围非常广, 有在课业上寻求帮助的中学生, 也有在答辩论文上感到迷茫的博士学生。 我希望可以帮助你完成一份可以完全展现你的成就的申请材料。 在我的闲暇时间,我喜欢阅读, 缝纫,爬山,摄影以及旅行。



Harvard University

Master Arts and Humanities

University of Michigan

Bachelor Slavic Languages & Literature


Program Manager

University of Michigan

Coordinate public programs, events, and conferences.Produce print and online communications in collaboration with other marketing staff and designers.Manage Professional Development Program, a short-term postdoctoral fellowship program for international scholars.Participate in coordination of admissions, fellowships, and internships for students in US and abroad.

Outreach Assistant

Harvard University

Organized materials, marketing and logistics for K-14 educational outreach and workshop series.
Maintained small lending library of resources and multimedia about Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.
Edited curricular materials and monthly electronic newsletter for educators and others with interest in the region.
Assisted in curating exhibit of Soviet art.
Supported Center events, development initiatives, and visiting scholars program.
Participated in admissions, orientation, and career development for REECA MA program students

Admissions Assistant

University of Michigan Medical School

Responded to applicant inquiries in person and via telephone and e-mail.
Facilitated campus visits, group interview days, and tours for 650 prospective students.
Processed applications, letters of reference, and other confidential data for 5,700 applicants.
Assembled digital and print-based materials for committee meetings and public presentations.

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 54 金融学
  • 49 艺术学
  • 48 计算机科学/工程
  • 39 建筑学
  • 34 传媒与新闻学
  • 24 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 23 电影、电视
  • 16 电子工程
  • 16 经济学
  • 15 文学
  • 15 社会学
  • 15 法律学
  • 14 土木工程
  • 14 软件工程
  • 13 商业分析
  • 11 金融工程
  • 11 材料科学/工程
  • 10 城市规划
  • 10 统计科学
  • 10 数据科学
  • 10 不确定
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量128 人评价
  • Rita
    Rita Nov 30, 2020
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 语言润色 统计科学

    Nicole is very nice and professional. She provides you with concrete feedbacks on your writing and extra tips for you to consider.

  • Alice
    Alice Nov 26, 2020
    博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 艺术学

    Wonderful revision on my research statement, and very efficient! Thank you!

  • Alice
    Alice Nov 23, 2020
    博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 艺术学

    Suggestions are grea, and the whole process is very efficient! Thank you!

  • Siwei
    Siwei Nov 17, 2020
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 电影、电视

    Thank you so much again!
    so professional!

  • Minjie
    Minjie Nov 14, 2020
    推荐信修改服务 深度修改 商业分析

    She is very nice and professional.

  • Siwei
    Siwei Nov 12, 2020
    英文简历服务 深度修改 电影、电视

    Thank you so much! really helps me a lot!
    So patient and professional!

  • Sihang
    Sihang Aug 25, 2020
    英文简历服务 语言润色 艺术学

    Overall, Nicole was very helpful. She not only helped me correct the grammar and wording also pointed out many content need to include. After Nicole's help, my resume is more comprehensive and strong.

    • Nicole Howeson头像
      Nicole H

      Thank you for your kind comments, Sihang! Best of luck with your applications--we hope to hear good news from you! :)


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