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北美TOP MBA/兼职MBA申请指导

其他 模拟面试 MBA 商学院 M7 offer协商
  • 课程简述: 22年申请季拿到M7两个带奖Offer(Kellogg/Booth), S16一个offer(Cornell)。 作为最近的申请者和Admission Committee, 可以从桌子的另一边分享泛商科申请中申请者常会踩到的坑以及一定要注意的问题,也可以帮你规划合适的timeline和如何最大化的争取自己的利益。
  • 适用用户: 北美留学申请, 商科,MBA, 研究生,留美

Overall: 作为Admission committee, 加上对欧美本硕商科教育本质的理解,帮助您从Bigger Picture 着眼,但是聚焦在现在。帮助您走过MBA的不同申请阶段,来提出实用的建议和具体的意见。

  • 适用用户: 北美Top MBA 申请者,以及泛商科(MSBA, etc)的同学
  • 申请故事挖掘:很多同学在申请的时候,苦于在国内的应试教育,导致没有什么个人的亮点,我可以帮助您挖掘梳理个人过往经历,突出个人的本来被忽视的特色,从而获得Admission Officer的青睐。或者是有哪些坑你万万踩不得?有哪些故事有反而比没有要强?
  • 选校定位:M7各自的特色是什么?您更适合去哪里?每个城市有每个城市的特点?S16哪一些会是小而精?什么学校的奖学金给的非常慷慨?低GPA的情况下,如何能够选择一个合适自己的过去的学习和工作的学校?哪一些学校有自己的ego或者是vibe? 作为桌子两边都坐过的人,我都可以帮您解答。
  • 与学校negotiate:如何获得尽可能多的奖学金?如何defer自己的学习?如何在有限的信息条件下,获得尽可能多的利益?
  • 在学校期间,需要做什么,如何做,怎么做,我作为一个高年级学生,会回答你提出的所有问题。
  • 兼职MBA的相关信息: 怎么样才能兼顾工作与生活?怎么样才能申请美国的兼职MBA? 兼职MBA会比较好进吗?
  • 总的来说,在这一个小时里,我会从职业生涯规划的角度跟你分享MBA的准备。也会分享具体的step by step的流程,准备和对于你目前申请状态的评估和建议。我也可以解答你其他的问题,省去在繁杂信息中的搜寻和试错成本,尽快找对最适合你自己的申请战略。



Base 芝加哥,在职资深产品经理, 四年Adtech 产品经验,现就读于M7 之一UChi Booth, 兼任UChi Booth Admission committee。
在两家广告大4A agency做过BA和PM MBA 申请季斩获Booth($)/Kellogg($)以及Cornell的 MBA offer。
在学校方面,因为我也才走过2022的申请季,我可以从申请者以及Admission两边的角度回答你的问题。不管是从选校定位,文书选题和推荐,时间线的管理,选择性的参加info session,亦或是面试培训的问题。作为面试官,我可以帮助您mock面试走过的流程,点出复盘面试出现的问题或者是改进的方向。我还可以帮助您来跟学校negotiate,从而最大化自己的利益。
在工作方面,我本身处在广告4A和Tech的交界点,做过BA和PM,所以可以解答PM类方向的专业问题和广告行业的行业问题。我同时可以帮助您内推,或者讲解转产品经理需要的skillsets或者如何manage up, 或者manage cross capacities的期望。



University of Chicago, Booth

MBA Strategic Management

University of California, Davis

Bachelor Managerial Economics


Sr Product Manager

A 4A Advertising Agency, Biggest in US, F250
 Client: SC Johnson/SAP/Volkswagen/Diageo/Carnival/Spin Master/Chanel 
 Oversees two product associates from India and Singapore 
 Present strategy, progress and product feature to internal stakeholders to the Leadership Team on a monthly basis. 
 Own backlog grooming and sprint prioritization calls while collaborating with stakeholders on a weekly basis

Product Manager

A 4A Advertising Agency, Biggest in US, F250
 Client: SC Johnson/SAP/Volkswagen 
 Pitching, building, and maintaining complex media reporting engines in our Omni (SaaS) toolset called tactical workflow 
 Pitching new functions like automated reporting and user management strategies to key client stakeholders to add funding up to 500K in a year
 Setting up new functions per client need in both waterfall and agile development methodologies 
 Maintaining the daily user management for roughly to 2000 users that come from both client side and agency side, globally from 6 hubs in 40+ countries 
 QA and UAT new product features prior to release, provide the full cycle of client servicing

Optimization Analyst

A 4A Advertising Agency, HQ in France, Top3
 Client: Bayer/Medtronic/CDC/Sanofi/Gilead 
 Helped the team start the taxonomy product called Campaign Framework from scratch for Bayer 
 Managed and maintained the 2nd and 3rd party products like Innovid Pixels/Dashboards, Prisma, and Doubleclick 
 Provided insights to internal team leads on optimizing the KPIs like clicks and viewability rate as well as 3rd party monitoring data 
 Enabled cross-product integration like Prisma to Campaign Framework, DCM to Prisma, Innovid to Double Verify, etc 
 Built out 4 macros that gigantically save team on pulling and pivoting the weekly/monthly reports 
 Collaborated with teams from the east coast to the west coast and had daily meetings to serve the client better

Part-Time Assistant

A tier 1 consulting firm
 Assisted the senior associate on data washing and info collecting 
 Two decks were presented to Manager level and above

获奖 & 荣誉



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