

1. How will this degree from Duke Engineering help you to achieve your career goals upon graduation from the Master’s program?

2. When working in a team with members from different cultures, how do you ensure that communication is effective?

3. Duke University prides itself on cultivating a culture of student engagement. Our students participate in a wide range of student organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development, community building, and personal fulfillment, as well as academic engagement. Based on your understanding of the Duke Engineering culture of student participation, how do you see yourself engaging in and contributing to our community outside of the classroom?

4. Getting into graduate school at Duke is an outstanding opportunity that comes with a variety of new challenges. For example, moving to a new area or country and meeting high academic standards in a graduate program. What is one challenge that concerns you most about this transition? What is one opportunity that excites you?

5. 请描述一下你的职业规划(从 Pratt 毕业后,自己打算如何计划就业和职业发展)

6. 你为什么选择到美国来学习?

7. 请介绍一段你之前的团队合作的经历,你遇到了什么挑战?结果怎么样? 通过这段经历,你学到了什么?

8. 请大致描述一下你本科阶段的学术成就。

9. 一般你是如何准备考试的?如果你考试失败了,你会如何做?

10. 请描述一下你至今为止,最成功(or 失败)的一件事,你从中学到了什么?

11. 请描述一下,你曾经对他人起到过积极影响和作用的一件事。

12. 请你简述除了学习/实习/科研之外,你最喜欢的课外活动(个人爱好)是什么?

13. In terms of professional graduation, 你怎样做才能成为学校里强有力的contributor? / how to ensure you are a professional/reliable contributor

14. How will this degree from Duke Engineering help you to achieve your career goals upon graduation from the master’s program?   

15. 请描述一下,你曾经对他人起到过积极影响和作用的一件事。







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