

对于申请 UCSC Earth & Planetary Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.)专业的同学一定要认真解读以下官方要求,个人陈述是给予申请者和院校沟通的绝佳也是唯一的机会,所以在避免基本语法、词汇等内容的基础上,如何阐述自己的观点以及申请缘由就显得极为重要。


Important: Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation are required of all applicants. 

Below are specific requirements also needed for this program:

  • Résumé or Curriculum Vitae
  • A Statement of Purpose is required:
    • Recommended length is 2-3 pages.
    • Please describe your plans for graduate study at the University of California, Santa Cruz, including an articulation of the scientific questions you are interested in addressing and how they fit into your overarching research vision and broader career goals. Also discuss how your professional background has motivated your research interests and how it has prepared you to succeed in graduate school.
  • A Personal History Statement is also required:
    • Recommended length is 2-3 pages.
    • We use information from the personal history statement to provide context for our assessment of your application and to help identify candidates for UCSC fellowships. If you have faced and overcome personal hardship during your academic journey, we invite you to share that information in your statement. We are also interested in learning about plans for contributing to diversity and inclusion within the Earth sciences.
    • We also use information from the personal history statement to learn about certain characteristics that we feel are important for success in graduate school. We recognize that applicants have had varying levels of opportunity, so please discuss these three prompts in your personal history statement to help us look beyond your academic record and gauge potential:
    1. Successful graduate students strive to meet a standard of excellence and take responsibility for personal performance and improvement. Please describe a major project, either academic or outside of academics, where you went above expectations and set yourself high standards. How did you manage short-term and long-term goals and how did you ensure that the work was of high quality to achieve the goals?
    2. Successful graduate students are proactive, taking the initiative to act on opportunities when they arise. Please describe a time when you identified an opportunity, either academic or outside of academics, and discuss how you acted on that opportunity to advance your personal or professional goals.
    3. Completion of a research project requires persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles or setbacks. Please describe a time when you encountered challenges in a project, either academic or outside of academics, and how you overcame those obstacles to complete the project successfully.


在UCSC Earth & Planetary Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.)录取要求中,我们注意到这里有很明确的问题陈述。对于申请国外硕士博士的文书而言,一般情况下我们针对这里提出的问题进行清晰准确逻辑条理的回答即可。

1. Statement of Purpose

  • 长度Length: 长度 2-3页,这里一般情况下所对应的字数在1000字到1200字左右。
  • 内容Content: 在内容上,可以划分为常规内容和特殊内容两个方面。对于常规内容而言,这基本上是每个类似项目都会需要的。这一部分主要内容是自身背景的具体介绍和阐述,其要求是学生根据自己的过往学习科研经历如何鼓励激发他/她进行更进一步的学习,并且这些背景如何能确保学生之后在读博期间取得成功。无论什么项目,这一部分都是其核心,我们在不同的项目申请过程中,都会看到类似的阐述。对于UCSC的天文和行星科学项目而言,这里更需要重视的是另外一部分。这一部分的具体要求就是去描述一些感兴趣的科学问题,并解释这些问题和将来的规划之间的关系。也就是说,我们在回答关于过去的经历之后,更应该去考虑未来的情况。这一部分会有点像欧洲学校所要求的research proposal,既考察了申请者是否对自己有一个明确的定位和思考,也考察了申请者对学校相关导师,科研项目等的了解程度。如果学生对该学校有充分热情的话,应该对这一部分有一个非常清晰明确的阐述,而不是用同一篇文书在这里继续套用。

2. Personal History Statement

  • 长度Length:长度2-3页,同上。
  • 内容Content:在这个题目中,UCSC给出了三个大方向
  1. 写一件在学习科研过程中,自己超水平高标准严要求做到的一件极其辉煌荣耀的事情。
  2. 写一件在学习生活过程中,自己把握住稍纵即逝的某个机会,使得自己得到升华的事情。
  3. 写一件在科研过程中,自己奋发图强,不惧艰险,突破重重困难成功实现目标的事情。









  1. 注册后免费查看一份成功者申请档案: 名校录取者GPA、语言成绩、留学文书
  2. 申请成功者背景参考: 注册 后添加客服微信,发送「目标申请国家/地区+专业」领取
  3. 注册后无限量查看:留学文书范文,含PS/SOP、简历、essay等