本文来自芝士圈外籍顾问社群答疑,回答由芝士圈首席文书官Andrew Daum(牛津大学PPE)提供。
I wonder how to design the structure of my ps.like first paragraph is why school, next is why program…
Hello Alicia. Nice to meet you! I guess I’d state an important caveat to begin about the way I’ll answer this question: There’s not a preset structure (unless the target program explicitly states it wants you to follow one!); there’s just a typical structure that can act as a sort of guide for your thinking (no right or wrong).
1. Introductory paragraph would explain your reasons for your interest and why you’re applying.
2. Then, your RELEVANT academic experiences (avoiding lists and repetition from else where in the application) – explain connections to the application.
3. Then, examples of experiences in which you’ve taken relevant academic learning. and sought to expand or enhance it by applying it outside the classroom (unstructured environments, and bigger, less abstract problems) – so, research, extracurricular, internships, etc.
4. Another 1 or sections describing another thematically linked group of experiences as in 3, above.
5. Conclude by drawing the experiences together, indicating why the combination of them equates to you pursuing this program next, and usually, you’ll say what you’ll use the program to do next (i.e. career).
In summary, the document should why your experiences add up to the program, as the next logical step in your development; they should illustrate why you’d succeed in this pursuit (on and through the program).
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