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【申请成功不等于终点】预备新生入学,研究计划以及毕业后的就业去向(细到研究文献阅读,论文写作和导师沟通建议的分享)- 来自北美理工博士后科终极建议- 从预备入学到毕业。

其他 留学预备入学 毕业就业去向 硕博学习生活 北美理工博士后经验
  • 课程简述: 给你来自第一线血和汗的教训,教你如何快速适应硕博学习的项目,利用现有导师、学校和平台的一切资源,让你的留学不再是“游学”。
  • 适用用户: 想要清晰了解硕博学习项目的血和泪。明确学位追求的付出和收获,不停探索自我人生追求的同学。







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【北美工科硕博】非顶尖高校背景工科生申请美国全奖硕博的申请指导 从入门到入学

其他 DIY留学申请 全奖硕博项目 北美工程硕博申请 第一线经验指导 超高性价比留学
  • 课程简述: 北美工学博士后的全新第一线经验带你从入门到入学,自主DIY选择,申请具有超高性价比的硕博项目。
  • 适用用户: DIY申请北美工程硕博项目的同学





University of Oklahoma

PH.D Chemical Engineering

Lanzhou University

Bachelor Chemical Engineering


Postdoctoral Researcher

Arizona State University , School for the Engineering of Matter, Transport, & Energy

Validated student member

North American Catalysis Society
The North American Catalysis Society was founded in 1956 to promote and encourage the growth and development of the science of catalysis and those scientific disciplines ancillary thereto; to provide educational services to members and other interested individuals; to organize and participate in professional meetings of scientists; to report, discuss and exchange information and viewpoints in the field of catalysis; to serve as a central exchange for the several catalysis clubs concerning information on their activities; and to provide liaison with foreign catalysis societies, with the International Congress on Catalysis, and with other scientific organizations and individuals.

Approved Loyalty Member

Psi-k organization
 Psi-k is a Europe-based, worldwide network of researchers working on the advancement of first-principles computational materials science. Its mission is to develop fundamental theory, algorithms, and computer codes in order to understand, predict, and design materials properties and functions. Theoretical condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics form its scientific core. Psi-k is a bottom-up researchers' network, established in 1994, to build strength and cooperation in the field of computational electronic structure. Since 2007 Psi-k has been a company limited by guarantee with a registered office at STFC Daresbury Laboratory. 

获奖 & 荣誉

Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation Excellence Award

Gallogly College of Engineering, University of Oklahoma
Rewarding and encouraging excellence in research is a core value of the Gallogly College of Engineering(GCoE). The Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation Excellence Award (DEA) is designed to reward.
PhD students that have achieved outstanding research results and encourage these students to complete their dissertation with excellence. The purpose of this announcement is to solicit outstanding applications to receive these awards.



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