面试 面试 法国高商 ESSEC SAI ESCP- 课程简述: 面试指导&模拟面试
- 适用用户: 拿到ESSEC/SAI (HEC, ESCP, Emlyon, Skema, Audencia)面试的同学
其他 英国 文书 法国高商 管理学- 课程简述: 挖掘和总结个人经历,帮助你构思出逻辑清晰又打动人的精彩文书
- 适用用户: 申请法国高商和英国管理学,文书无从下手的申请人
其他 商科 法国高商 法国 ESSEC- 课程简述: 这是一个定制聊天服务,针对性解决你的一切问题
- 适用用户: 处于申请前中后期但有困惑的同学
选校 英国 商科 选校 管理学 法国- 课程简述: 根据本科院校,GPA,语言成绩和GMAT/GRE成绩等硬性条件,帮助你合理定位和规划申请
- 适用用户: (仅限陆本)各种本科专业申请法国高商的同学&非商科本科申请英国商科的同学
ESSEC GE在读,本科毕业于武汉理工大学法语系,同时在中南财经政法大学修读了国际经济与贸易的双学位。在申请季收获了ESSEC, ESCP, EMLYON和华威等多枚offer,其中有三枚是带奖offer。一路走过来,算是非常熟悉法国高商和英国大学的商科申请了。我本身是主申法国的,但是为了多一个保障,我在申请季深入研究了G5+王爱曼华的管理学项目,我挑选出了自己最喜欢的,同时可以作为保底的项目。最后也很幸运将梦校ESSEC到保底校华威的offer纷纷收入囊中。
我可能不是申到学校最好的,但我一定是offer holder里面硬性背景相对处于劣势的。所以可见我很擅长总结和挖掘每一段经历,扬长避短,在文书和面试中讲好自己的故事。目前我实习和硕士申请的面试战绩是0失败哦~
ESSEC Business School
Master Master in Management (GE)
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Bachelor International Economics and Trade
Wuhan University of Technology
Bachelor French
Product Manager Intern, Digital Product Management, Power Cloud Department
Business Analyst Intern, Strategic Management Center, IEG (Interactive Entertainment Group)
Research Intern, Social Value Assessment project, Department of Finance and Product Development
China Alliance of Social Value Investment
Recruiting Intern, Human Resources Department
China Merchants Bank
获奖 & 荣誉
Outstanding Graduate
Wuhan University of Technology
The 5th China College Students' 'Internet+'Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Third Price)
Wuhan University of Technology
l Designed an online + offline social platform for book-sharing to promote an “intelligent bookcase” based on RFID technology, offering users the basic service of borrowing books and a social platform by combining the functions of QR code, personalized recommendation and communication on book review
l Led the team to plan the product business model, wrote the business plan and designed the road show; the team ranked Top 7% and participated in the provincial road show on behalf of the university; the first prototype of the “intelligent bookcase” machine has been put into use in student dormitory areas for a test run
Blue Book of Sustainable Development: A-Share Listed Company Sustainable Development Value Assessment Report (2019)
Weihua MA
Social Science Academic Press (China)The general report of this book defines sustainable development, sustainable development goals, sustainable development finance and sustainable development value assessment, and then gives a detailed introduction to their logical starting point, theoretical basis and global benchmarking etc.
曹*昱 Oct 14, 2021
留学顾问咨询: 法国高商&英国管理学选校定位和申请规划
非常感谢美丽的zoe小姐姐 打开了我的思维禁锢!!感谢!!!法国高商张雨绮!!!打call!!细腻周到的回答,物超所值!