背景提升 转专业 商科 美国- 课程简述: 从信息搜集、文书和简历的准备,到面试准备等多个方面为客户进行介绍。
- 适用用户: 针对DIY申请美国商科,尤其是文科转商科的同学
模拟面试 —— 商科留学申请/实习/工作面试模拟
模拟面试 商科 实习/工作- 课程简述: Duke Fuqua MMS:FOB毕业生,现在HP美国总部从事产品经理相关工作,相信面试是有技巧的,并可以通过不断练习而精进
- 适用用户: 想要申请商科类项目/在国外商科类实习/工作的人
备考 GMAT- 课程简述: 发现难以提分的原因,制定action plan
- 适用用户: 针对自主学习备考,需要在短时间内考出GMAT成绩的同学
标化 | 总览 | 分项 | |||
GPA | 总分 3.70/4.00 | ||||
排名 | 名次 / | ||||
托福 | 分数详情 |
GMAT | 分数详情 |
录取学校 | 专业(项目) | 录取类型 | 奖学金 |
杜克大学 | 工商管理学 | offer |
Statement of Purpose
Duke University
Master Master of Management Studies: Foundation of Business
Duke University
Master Management Studies: Foundation of Business
Wuhan University
Bachelor 人文科学试验班
Wuhan University
Bachelor 文学院 人文科学试验班
OVAL International Students Business Competition
Worked on a team with participants from Korea and Japan on a business project about “Tokyo Safety”;
Used wearable devices to monitor the physical condition of the working class and cooperate with their employers to take actions
China Central Television (CCTV) Media Dream
Created a short film and a new television program plan that both focused on Chinese young people’s career choices
Communication Intern
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Network China
Planned digital marketing content for the Wechat platform and official website; gained 5000 followers and doubled conference attendees number through HTML5 page, social media advertisements, e-mail marketing and cold calls;
Prepared two international conferences, responsible for advocating, selecting,training and leading youth delegates;
Edited the conferences’ press releases that were reprinted by The Chinese State Council Information Office, Xinhua News, CCTV News
Team Leader
L’Oreal Brandstorm Global Competition
Led a team to simulate as global managers of LA Roche-Posay(LRP); Rebranded LRP as skincare professionals by launching customized skincare app that allows dermatology procedures to be jointly decided on by users and dermatologists;
Placed in the Top 10 Nationally (10/1500) after three rounds of competition
Marketing Intern
Allied Victory Gold & Silver Investment Limited
Organized quantitative marketing research on Chinese Mainland Residents’ Preference for Hong Kong Gold and Silver Investments;
Used SPSS to analyse investigation data and implemented research results into business pitches and proposals
Digital Editor
Micro Media Technology Co.Ltd
Managed an on-campus Wechat platform. Responsible for writing articles, seeking business cooperation and organizing offline events;
Edited more than 300 Wechat articles and gained 7000 views on the most popular article; Increased followers by 21000;
Proficient with Photoshop skill by designing various illustrations and posters
Marketing Intern
Led a five-member group to localize the national marketing strategy;
Conducted marketing campaigns on campus, converted 80% of participants to digital platform followers and 20% to end-users and attained 60% growth in Net Promoter Score
Project Manager
Global Social Enterprise Case Competition
Won first place by drafting a proposal for a recycling machine for people to change public transportation tickets with garbage
Global Volunteer
“Summer Camp” Global Voluntary Program
Taught English to 20 students and held culture events for them with hundreds of participants
Vice President
AIESEC Wuhan University
Led four managers and ten members to focus on two products that allow Chinese students to work abroad and maintained a 80% retention rate on my team;
Used event marketing and partnerships with foreign companies to double the number of students matched with overseas programs
Victoria Mar 27, 2019
留学顾问咨询: 美国商科(管理类、市场营销类)留学——文科转商科
Vicky 对于商科和公益方面的了解真的很多,在我的申请过程中写ESSAY 材料的内容组织上给了我很多非常重要的启发,随后再去写材料就有很多idea了。之后又根据我写内容给了很多非常详细的修改建议!强烈推荐给申请商科的同学~!冲鸭
Victoria Mar 19, 2019
留学顾问咨询: 美国商科(管理类、市场营销类)留学——文科转商科
1年前就找Vicky咨询过,不得不说Duke 的毕业生真的太优秀了~ 思考了很久都没有什么思路的问题,Vicky 帮我找到了主线并且分享了很多美国在申请方面的信息!而且都提前做过准备,帮助太大了,真心的感谢!极力推荐!
Phoebe Feb 26, 2019
留学顾问咨询: 模拟面试 —— 商科留学申请/实习/工作面试模拟
刘*言Demi Dec 6, 2018
留学顾问咨询: 美国商科(管理类、市场营销类)留学——文科转商科
Victoria Oct 14, 2018
留学顾问咨询: GMAT自主学习备考
Vicky真的是太专业了,对于商科的申请和就业妥妥的经验丰富,问了很多关于杜克商学院申请的事宜,Vicky不旦给出了非常有价值的信息,而且帮我详细分析了学校专业的情况。之后,还给我了北美生活的指南,以及CV的一些Sample. 想要申请杜克的朋友真的不能错过!一百万个赞
Julia Jan 14, 2018
留学顾问咨询: 美国商科(管理类、市场营销类)留学——文科转商科
学姐人非常好,讲解也很清晰!因为我在商科方面比较小白,学姐给出了一些可操作的总体性建议;针对我自己的一些问题,也非常细致地作出了解答,清晰了不少!(p.s. 感觉学姐是一个非常好的story teller,当时申请的essay非常impressive!)