选校 能源与可持续发展- 课程简述: 耐心倾听,富有亲和力,根据申请者的意愿和专业背景推荐适合的北欧高校(主要针对能源与可持续发展类的相关专业)。
- 适用用户: 对跨专业申请把握不大,以及对北欧留学持观望态度的同学
其他 低GPA SCI论文发表- 课程简述: 耐心倾听,富有亲和力,能够结合咨询者的自身特点,对已经修完大部分专业课,GPA大幅度提升概率较低的同学,给出个性化、可操作性强的建议。
- 适用用户: GPA大幅度提升概率较低,希望通过其他方式提高自身竞争力的同学
• 咨询者背景信息上传 咨询前;
• 与咨询者就专业背景和申请方向进行确认 5-10分钟
• 介绍可持续发展专业的申请背景 5分钟
• 倾听咨询者的兴趣方向(科研、实习),给出论文发表、实习方向选择的建议 5-10分钟
• 答疑和总结 5分钟
本科就读于国内211大学能源经济专业,因为喜欢北欧独有的气侯环境和文化内涵,我在申请季全面了解了北欧各国发展类学科的录取背景和专业匹配要求。硕士跨专业DIY申请,顺利通过了乌普萨拉大学Sustainable Development项目和隆德大学Innovation and Global Sustainable Development项目的审核,将于2019年9月在乌普萨拉大学攻读Master学位。关于低GPA申请、能源与可持续发展、转专业和SCI论文发表的疑惑,都可以与我进行交流。逆袭之路不易,希望我能为你点亮一束光。
Uppsala University
Master Sustainable Development
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Others Institutes of Science and Development——Energy Economy
National University of Singapore
Others Innovation & Management
China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Bachelor Energy Economy
Marketing Intern
AIA Singapore Private Limited
● Analyzed Asia-Pacific financial market movements on futures and options, focusing on insurance sector in particular.
● Designed 'Runway Insurance' product for AIA Singapore Private Limited; assisted associated promotional activities.
● Awarded Excellent Intern, receiving direct letter of commendation from the manager.
Strategic Researcher
Young Sustainable Impact
● Boosted engagement by setting up online communities and inviting investors and UN officers to give speeches via the 3 existing online community groups.
● Composed business plan documents for outreach use together with student peers from leading universities.
● Organized offline sessions with private fund companies like 10 Fund to promote influence of YSI.
● Processed applications for YSI China summit, Shanghai, sorting Personal Statements to identify 50 student invitees.
● Attended business negotiations with First Secretary of the Economy and Commercial Counsellor of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing; coordinated speakers for YSI China summit.
Financial Intern
China Railway Seventh Group Co., Ltd.
● Collected and sorted accounting materials such as financial statements and accounting vouchers.
● Made comparisons of quarterly asset turnover; drafted report for Financial Director.
● Participated in establishing payrolls for Beijing Subway Line 19 Project Management Department.
Water Footprint Assessment for Coal-to-Gas in China
Jianliang Wang, Xiaojie Liu, Xu Geng, Yongmei Bentley, Chunhua Zhang and Yuru Yang
Natural Resources ResearchThis research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China; Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation, Ministry of Education of China.
Sustainability Assessment of Bioenergy from a Global Perspective: A Review
Jianliang Wang, Yuru Yang, Yongmei Bentley, Xu Geng and Xiaojie Liu
SustainabilityThis research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China; Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation, Ministry of Education of China.
158****6095 Jul 11, 2019
留学顾问咨询: 低GPA申请攻略
学姐人超级Nice!! 回答我的问题也十分专业!虽然我的绩点低,但是学姐给我推荐了几个努力的方向,还告诉我如何最大化使用学校提供的资源。因为我想去芬兰或者瑞典,学姐就推荐了这两个国家适合我的项目。可以看出学姐对北欧国家的高校很有研究了!总之推荐推荐!