Boston University Essays a. Why are you choosingto pursue a mathematical finance degree over a more general finance degree? (upto 250 words)I believe with thehelp of mathematics, we can reveal much more precise information about finance.Inspired by most of my relatives working in financial fiel...
b. What steps have you taken to ensure that Boston University Questrom School of Business is right for your studies? (up to 250 words)Firstly, because programs combining mathematics and finance is my priority, I researched all theMS programs offered by business schools with good reputation in the U....
c. What are your immediate post-graduation career plans, and how do they fit into your longer term professional goals? (up to 250 words) After graduation,I expect to work in the U.S. as a securities and derivatives product manager in a large investment company , such as Fidelity Inves...
Essay 1 (Required): Describe your short-term and long-term goals for post-MBA orpost-MS. Given the fluctuation of economic and industry hiring trends, identify aback-up plan should your short-term goal not be immediately attainable. How doesyour past e...
Essay 3 (Optional): Share additional information you think is important in the evaluation of yourapplication, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding yourcandidacy. (500 word limit) I believe ther...