Personal Statement
As a BSc Quantitative Economics graduate from ..., I have benefited from the solid skills base in economics and statistics that my degree has given me, as well as the interest in the subject that it has confirmed. The love for economics, especially for the application of statistical methods to the a...
Recommendation Letter
Ms. Li took my public speaking class, here at XXXX. I was sincerely inspired by her leadership abilities, her outstanding dedication to academic distinction, and her congeniality; all features that integrated smoothly with unparalleled valor, determination, and empathy. She is a resourceful, enga...
Personal Statement
I once had problems making decisions. Flipping a coin was the only way to save me from thousands of snares in my life, even when I chose the favor of the ice cream. Following the coin, I chose quantitative economics as my major. Fortunately, it aroused my interest for data and logic and also develop...